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Image List...

Each ArchImage comes with a detailed write-up to explain the spiritual significance, symbolism and ornamentation.

North America
  • Grandmother of the East (Sister Spring) - With Spring Theme
    (Click here for additional information and photos)
  • Grandfather of the South (Brother Summer) - With Summer Theme
  • Grandmother of the West (Grandmother Autumn) - With Autumn Theme
    (Click here for additional information and photos)
  • Grandfather of the North (Grandfather Winter) - With Winter Theme
    (Click here for additional information and photos)
  • Earth Mother - With ferns, beads, bones and turtle talisman
    (Click here for additional information and photos)
  • Father Sky - With feathers, insects and sky theme


  • Warrior - With roach headdress and war paint


  • Warrior - With feather/roach headdress and war paint


  • Warrior - With roach headdress and war paint


  • Shaman - Reproduction of shaman mask on face with talisman

South America


  • Canibo Woman - With Labyrinth Facial Tattoo and Nose Ornament


  • Txikao Warrior - With Feather Headdress and ceremonial paint


  • Masai Warrior - With traditional hair braids and ceremonial paint
  • Berber Woman - With Siyala (fertility/protection facial paint) and jewelry

New Zealand:

  • Maori Chief - With Moko (elaborate facial tattoo) and bone ear ornament


  • Hindu Woman - With 'protective' facial paint, tattoos and facial jewelry
  • Male Shiva Pilgrim - With traditional 'third eye of knowledge' facial paint


  • Odin - God of War, Poetry and Wisdom
  • Thor - God of Thunder
  • Freya - Goddess of War and Fertility
  • Ran - Sea Goddess of Storms
    (Click here for additional information and photos)


  • Helios - Sun God
  • Athena - Goddess of War, Wisdom and Art


  • Neptune - Sea God
  • Diana - Goddess of the Moon
  • Venus - Goddess of Beauty and the Spring
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