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Ran - Nordic Goddess of the Sea

Ran is the Sea Goddess from Scandinavian Mythology and personifies the elemental attributes associated with the oceans and seas. She represents the most primal energy of the feminine - creation/creativity, emotion, instinct and intuition. She is the archetypal creative force, a maternal image, that symbolizes the womb, the mother and the woman. Not unlike the storms at sea, she also represents formless potentiality, fluidity, dissolution, mingling cohesion, birth, death/destruction and regeneration. In addition to this, dreams, the astral and the unconscious mind are also associated with the ocean element.

With fair skin and red hair, Ran comes embellished with seashells, seaweed, jewels and gold coins, all trapped within her golden fishing net that she uses to rescue victims from shipwrecks. If you find that you have a personal and spiritual connection to Ran – perhaps it is time for you to resurrect your primal creative energy and breathe life into your unborn dreams.

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