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Gregory Bell as Eddie Freeman
Elizabeth Gordon as Robin Hudson
Jamie Scott as Dark Robertson
Kate Henry as Jennie Rhodes
Rachel Cartwright as Katie Jenkins
Darren Holness as Taye Conners
Nick Washbrook as Billy Charles
Sally Humphreys as Andie Farrow
Adrian Wrench as Max Farrow
Edmund Dehn as Johnny Boothe
Shaun Hennessey as Aitkins
Victoria Balnaves as Beth
Jodie Wilde as Chrissy Wilkings
Gareth Mark Wilmot as Walter Cassidy
Marc Parry as Clive Cassidy
Sharon Gavin as Kimberley Freeman
Neil Johnson as Pete Petersson
Mike McConnell as Mr. Wilkings
Peter Hearn as the Writer/Director/Producer
Mike Faraday as the Editor
Mia Jaye as the other Producer
Marc Roach as the DP
Neil Johnson as the Composer