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Pitch Black

Main Cast
Radha Mitchell
Vin Diesel
Cole Hauser
Claudia Black
Lewis Fitz-Gerald
Rhiana Griffith
Keith David

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Fan Fiction
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Reunion Part 3


Content/Safety Level for children: CAUTION

While the dark-robed figure slid the headdress off, there was an urgent situation forming on the bridge of the ship. “Sir,” Torrel called, staring at her monitors. “There’s a ship out there. B Class freighter. It appears to be damaged but I can’t get a clear reading,” she spoke, cocking her head to the side. Something wasn’t right about the ship. What the hell was a freighter with twin engines that equaled the speed of a turtle on a hot day doing outside commercial space shipping lanes? Then again, something seemed off about this entire mission...

“...Imam...” Fry whispered harshly. He removed his hood and nodded, his features serene and comforting. “Yes, it is I,” he said, in that accent that he had. She fell into his arms as they opened for an embrace. A familiar face, a familiar voice. She hadn’t had that in three years. And just as abruptly as it came, the emotion was wiped away in order to make way for her questions. “What the hell is going on?” she asked. “Well, I am obviously not here by chance,” he replied, almost dryly, and she cracked a tight smile. Fry relaxed her grip on the gun, her hand now hanging at her side. “Tell me what happened?” she asked quietly. Imam lifted his hand to speak when the ship lurched! All Fry saw was the top of the bulkhead coming straight for her face and threw her arms up, slamming into the opposite wall. Sparks shot off like fireworks, red lights flashing and the klaxon screaming directly in her ear. With a groan Fry pushed herself to her knee’s and saw red, realizing after a few moments that it was her own blood dripping in her eyes. She pressed her palm to her head hard and tried to listen as the ship-wide comm systems blared to life, calling all senior officers to the bridge. “Imam!” she screamed, her head whipping frantically around, gaze unable to cut through the smoke. “Imam--” he scream was cut short as a hand slapped over her mouth. Fry’s heart jumped and her eyes widened to see Imam beside her. He released her and she stumbled back. “Go!” he said harshly, causing her to wonder if he was pissed, or wanted her to save their asses by flying the ship. Whatever the reason, Fry scrambled to her feet, gulping in jerky breaths, and trotted down the corridor, which was tipped at an angle. Getting to the bridge, she slammed the big red button on the side and the doors flew open and Fry fell through. “Fry, where the hell have you been---” The rest of Meier’s angry speech was cut off as something slammed into the aft of the ship and threw Fry right back to her knees. “Damnit, *what* is hitting us?!” she yelled, jumping to her feet and sliding into the cockpit, landing in the seat with a hard slap. Opening the window shield she found herself staring into the window of a second ship, it’s commander staring back her with a sadistic gleam in his eyes. “Fry, what’s going on?!” It was the captain. “We’re being *attacked* sire!” she yelled back, one hand strapping her while the other clicked at the buttons overhead. “Hang on!” And in a bold move and burst of speed, she propelled the ship forward, slamming directly into the freighter. A scream could be heard from the rear cabin behind her as the right side of the ship took the brunt of the impact. Fry lurched forward, bracing her hands on the bulkhead in front of her. She heard someone calling her and sat back, running a systems check. “Orders, sir?” she yelled back. “Destroy that ship!” “With pleasure,” someone replied, and the next thing Fry knew the ship jerked slightly beneath her and there was an explosion of red fire directly outside her window. Frantically, Fry hounded the console as power started to fail. “There’s a hull breach on level two, coolant leak on 3, and secondary power is shot!” she yelled, dodging sparks from the bulkhead. Hands grabbed onto the back of her chair and, startled, she looked up to find Meier staring at her with wild eyes. “Are the holding cells still intact?!” His voice was frantic, and even more annoying in her ear as she pulled up the holding cell sensors. She stopped and stared, recognizing the prone bodies of Riddick and Jack inside separate cells on the gritty screen. “Still intact sir,” she said faintly. Carolyn’s brow creased. The figures were to still, the vid...
Meier’s hot-breathed sigh on her neck made her flinch and move away. She shit him a dirty look. Unstrapping, Fry grabbed a large metal case locked in at her feet and hefted it up, pushing past Meier. The question of where she was going was right on the tip of his tongue, she knew, so she beat him to the punch. “I have a hull breach to patch up and a coolant leak to fix. We are running at 50% power and we have no back-up systems!” she snapped out, and left, Torrel right behind her. She sent Torrel to check on the coolant leak and made her way to where she had last seen Imam, but he, nor his robes, were anywhere to be found. Sighing in frustration, she leaned against the doorway. “Well, at least I know he can’t get far,” she muttered. It was *her* ship after all, and she knew every inch of it well. Turning, she trotted back down the hall to finish repairs.

A good three hours later Fry trudged, covered in grease, into her quarters and threw her tools down. Peeling her clothes off she flung them across the room, heedless of where they landed, her only focus was the shower she was about to take. She stood under the scalding hot spray and watched as black rivulets of dirty water swam down the drain absently. What was going on, where the hell was Imam? She would have had to be an idiot not to figure out that Imam was there for Riddick and Jack. But was he there to cause harm...he had put them into cardiac arrest, she assumed, when they were in their cryo-pods. And he wasn’t too eager to talk to her about what was going on...
She rubbed a weary hand over her face and down her neck to the tan thong that held her keepsake of Riddick. She encircled the shiv and accidentally sliced her palm. She raised it up and took a swipe at the blood with her tongue before sticking it under the shower spray. Looking down she saw the shiv, the one Riddick had used from that dark planet, made out of the bone of some creature. With a full-bodied groan, she turned the water off and slid the curtain open, coming face to face with Richard B. Riddick.
Fry gasped, then choked and moved back as much as she could in the small space. He lifted one big hand and handed her a towel, a sardonic grin twisted his lips. Fry clung to the piece of cloth for dear life, and heard the trickling of laughter behind him. Curious, she looked past to see a tall, young woman leaning easily against the door frame, slim hips and legs encased in tight, shiny black leather, her top a dark blue, not reaching low enough to cover her belly button. Long, dark hair hung in a braid. Jack.
“Hey, Fry,” Jack said, her voice more feminine. The young woman straightened and walked back into the quarters. Shocked, Fry could only stare at Riddick, but he wasn’t looking at her face. He was staring at the shiv hanging around her neck...

//she tried to breath normally in the closed space of the skiv with riddicks consuming presence gone. outside she could hear riddick and johns talking and curiously went to eavesdrop. but when she had gotten outside they were gone and there was only a pale of engine crease mixed with bits of hair beside the small shuttle. Fry moved forward and that’s when she caught sight of the bone shiv and picked it up, sliding it absently into her pocket...//

“How did you get out...?” Fry whispered. And suddenly Imam appeared in the doorway and she nodded, a half-annoyed expression on her face. “Of course,” she muttered, pushing past them out of the shower stall. “Things just keep getting better and better.”

end part 3

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go back to Part 2
go to Part 4
