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Pitch Black

Main Cast
Radha Mitchell
Vin Diesel
Cole Hauser
Claudia Black
Lewis Fitz-Gerald
Rhiana Griffith
Keith David

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Reunion Part 4


Content/Safety Level for children: CAUTION

Fry tried not to stare, but it was virtually impossible. Riddick, in full color sitting before her on the small cot that was her bed. One would think the pilots quarters would be bigger seeing as how they were the ones who flew the damn ships. Her eyes shifted unwillingly to Jack. The girl had grown into a beautiful young woman, if not a hard one.
Her features had a look of perpetual wariness mixed with an innocence that was reluctant to let go. Around her neck was a smattering of tattoo’s, Japanese symbols and the hint of the letter’s ‘666’ on the back of her neck, just under a barcode of some type. A prison barcode...Jesus H. Christ, had the girl been to prison!!
Shaking herself mentally, Fry slid her gaze lower to Jack’s hands, which were at the moment busy as she dismantled a small radio receiver that Fry had stored somewhere in her cabin. Her fingers moved over the hard metal and reminded her of Riddick.
“It’s really impolite to stare.” Fry’s eyes snapped back up to meet the iridescent blue gaze of Jack who had spoken.
“Did your mom teach you that?” Fry asked back impulsively.
“No. The streets,” Jack replied. That got a curious look from both Imam and Fry.
An almost-smile quirked Riddick’s lips, almost. “I once stared at this guy, Arny, too long, and he left me with a cute little scar on my waist. After that I kind figured it was pretty damn impolite to stare. Not to mention dangerous as hell.” Her words had a defensive tone to them that Fry suspected wasn’t aimed at her. More like it was the way she spoke to everybody, as if constantly on the defense. Riddick laughed, a husky sound, and Jack mimicked him, the two sharing a look.
Imam didn’t seem to mind at all, or didn’t seem to see as Fry did, how both of them were in sinc with each other. From eye movements, which continuously scanned her compartment, to the small muscle twitches in there arm, as if they were always on edge, to the complete still, calm.
“I’m not a killer, Fry,” Jack said, exasperation in her voice, as if she were loathe to explain something that Fry should already have known about her.
“I didn’t say you were,” Fry replied, standing and moving to lean against the wall by the door.
“Bullshit,” Jack replied. “I saw you checking out the barcode,” she smiled.
“Don’t worry, it ain’t real. Just...helps to scare the natives,” she grinned.
“Nah, my specialty,” she said, then stalled and pulled out the bone shiv that Fry had kept around her neck since the dark planet. “My specialty is thievery,” she smiled. She tossed the shiv to Fry, who slipped it into her pocket.
“You two done bonding?” Riddick intoned, voice dry as desert sand. Fry wanted to ask Jack more about why and how they had been captured, but Riddick was standing.
In his full height, he easily dwarfed everyone in the room, and the little cabin got small, yet felt safer. And Jack’s eyes were intent on Riddick, calculating the next words coming out of his mouth.
“Time?” he asked Fry, that one word sparking something in her. Damn, get a grip, all he said was ‘time’ for fuck’s sake!, she chastised herself.
“1300 hours,” she replied. “Earth time.” “Shit,” Jack half-laughed, half shouted in anger. Fry looked at Imam and saw a hint of irritation on his face.
“What?” Fry snapped out.
“Our transport off this bucket of bolts is gone by now,” Jack said, but seemed to be speaking more to Riddick rather than everyone else. Fry quieted, then cleared her throat. Riddick’s eyes speared her. “You, uh, don’t mean the transport that played dead outside commercial space, then tried to attack and board us do you?”
“The very same one,” Riddick said, and though he didn’t move, he seemed to get closer, more menacing anyway. In response, Fry tipped her head to the side, challenge flaring.
“I destroyed it.” Another harsh curse, from Jack, who seemed to have a fondness for the word ‘fuck’ and all it’s variations, including a few Fry was sure she’d made up herself. A deep growl came from Riddick and Fry arched a brow. “It was them or me, and I made a decision,” she said, not defending herself, just being blatantly defiant. “Self preservation always has been your thing, hasn’t it?” Riddick asked, his voice carryig a clear reminded of the dark planet, and the events that had led them to crash there.
“Damn right,” Fry returned boldly. A hint of a smile from Riddick. Fry looked at them. She wanted an explanation. “We were captured on Planet 0014-6, you know, one of those generally black-hole type planets that terra farmers pass over and give a number instead of a name.
Anyway, this snippy little bounty hunter was on our ass because Riddick killed a few cops to get us off of Centuari.”
“What were you doing on Centauri?” Fry cut in. Jack shot her an annoyed look similar to Riddicks.
“Stealing a skiff and some...personals,” she replied absently, and continued with her story. “Anyways, she caught up with us, shot Riddick, set some Dobermans on me, and here we are,” she said. “That’s the short, very much rated version, mind you,” Jack grinned.
“I can imagine,” Fry returned. Jack shrugged and continued.
“News of Riddick’s capture was the front page story for the next month and he was sent to a prison facility, then to another one after he bit the throat out of a guard,” she said, waving her hands in the air dissmissevly. “I went to juvie.” She looked at Imam and smiled.
“Imam got word to me somehow that he was going to get me out, and I wasn’t going anywhere without Riddick. So, the day after that were being transported to Slam, and put into cryosleep, trusting Imam here to get us out. And he came through,” Jack finished up. “And that transport ship I destroyed was your ticket off my ship?” Fry asked.
Jack nodded. “Well--” Fry started again when music suddenly blasted in her cabin. Riddick was standing beside the radio. Fry gave him a confused look, but he merely raised one hand over his lips and gestured for her to shut up. He had obviously heard something.

In the hallway, the bounty hunter that had caught Riddick and Jack stopped at Fry’s door and listened, hearing only music inside. Suspicious, she stayed there for a few more minutes before moving away and continuing below deck to the holding cells to toy with her prisoners.

“Why can’t we just take the bridge?” Jack piped up as soon as Riddick had turned the music off.
“Because my captain, three crewmembers, one bounty hunter, and two military personnel are out there, and they know who you are,” Fry replied. A pause. “I have to get back to the bridge,” Carolyn said, zipping her suit up. The room had gone quite and two pairs of blue eyes were focused intently on her. She met each stare and left the room. A foot away from her cabin down the hall the damnable klaxon’s sounded again. The prisoners were loose!! Fry broke off at a run back to her cabin, but it was empty when she got there.

end part 4

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