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Easy Modelling Russian submarine
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Chief Modeller | Admin | owner | Designer :
'maestro' R Setiawan

rare 3voic

tutorial by 'maestro' R Setiawan
EasyModelling: Modelling Russian Submarine

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Now we gonna finish the hull
STEP 4: Adding superstructures

Edit the upper part of sub hull to make the base of the superstructures by shifting the vertex likes in the pic. We only need to transform the upper part of sub so we activete the Ignore backfacing here.

Make sure U got s'thing like this

Choose the superstructure base U have make (lloks pics)....

And simply extrude the face... :)

After that U must edit the mesh again to make the superstructure looks right... like this

Now we found it almost right, but the superstructure is too short, so we move the entire segment backward to make it longer. Make sure the Ignore backfacing deactivated so the 'other side' also will moved...

Edit the front view of the superstructure and so U ll got s;thing like this ...

Now the final step, we smoothing the hull by choosing Modifier-Mesh Smooth :)
I prefer the classic mesh smoothing as it is more controllable, unlike NURMS

STEP 5: Preparing screw base

Now since the screw (sub's propeller) base in the back part of the sub to be a basic plan, 'cut' the back part a lil to trim it by make a box, then using boolean-substract and use the box as operand b

Here is the final ob;ect

Now to do the finishing touch by adding screw, snorchel and hydroplansimply open the next page

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