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Easy Modelling Russian submarine
level | beginner


Chief Modeller | Admin | owner | Designer :
'maestro' R Setiawan

rare 3voic

tutorial by 'maestro' R Setiawan
EasyModelling: Modelling Russian Submarine

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This tutorial is a very basic tutorial about modelling which invlolved only simple function such as edit mesh and mesh smooth. While this tutorial is in 3ds MAX all other software user can gain some advantage too using this modelling.

Why should I make a tutorial about modelling a Russian submarine ?
well, first I love the Russian submarine design, mainly since 1970s when they start applied the techy looking tear drop structure and titanium hull from Alfa to Sierra and Akula. Typhoon and Oscar even have dual propeller. This make modelling a Russian submarine is somewhat more challenging then other nation sub

In this tutorial we will make a type 705 'Alfa' submarine. This is a very important class in submarine history being the fastest submarine ever that can reach 40 knot. As a reference to U can get alfa class submarine top and side line drawing in the blueprint section of this page. U can use it as background template but I never do it to train my 3D mindset. Good morale about this tutorial is that U can make s'thing good right after U get ur modeller software :)

First make a simple box, length 80m, wide 10m and height 11m
Make it have 8 width segment, 15 length segment and 3 height segment

Now we will make the sub hull more roundy. Choose Edit-Mesh then In front view choose pair by pair vertices row, by select a row then while still pressing ctrl choose another row so we will have a 'pair' of vertices row selected (look at the pics)

Now to edit use move button to shift it up down and, in front viewport use scale it on x-axis using Non-uniorm scale function.

keep transform it til
we got a 'cylinder like' geometry like this


TIPS : If U have to do complex mesh editing use several stage by clicking edit mesh again after U finish 1 stage of editing and gonna do the next editing. So U can simply remove the editing stack everytime U do a mistake in a stage

Now we will do the sub's side view. first using edit-mesh vertex choose and group segment by segment so it will be like in the pics

After that we will make the submarine nose, choose the first segment using selection in the left viewport, then in front viewport Non-uniform scale it on xy-axis likes in pics

Then keep scale it segment by segment until we got a teardrop hull right likes in the pic.After that use the blueprint as reference and edit it in the top view so it looks likes in the following pics

Now we have finished the hull we gonna make the superstructure and other parts in the next page

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