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Easy Modelling Russian submarine
level | beginner


Chief Modeller | Admin | owner | Designer :
'maestro' R Setiawan

rare 3voic

tutorial by 'maestro' R Setiawan
EasyModelling: Modelling Russian Submarine

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Now we gonna paint our sub hull. Like most Russian submarine, the painting scheme of Alfa submarine is black in the upper part, and red in the lower part with strip in the nose. How do we paint a single object with 3 color scheme ? here we gonna learn and use multi/sub material.


To use multi/sub object we must assign a specific material ID to various part of our object. we can do this by using edit-mesh. But in our sub case we need to firstly make a 'line' in our object that separate the black upper part and red belly. To do this in edit mesh-polygon then since we will make a line along our sub we select all the poly in our sub, make sure the slice plane is in the right place and with right size (see pic, U can se all transform button i;e move resize and rotate) then click slice

Select the lower part of your sub (easier done from front view port) and assign material ID:2. we wont assign any material ID to the upper part as the upper part will use the default ID (1)


Now we gonna make the front grey strip, choose the front part of our sub andslice it twice, one in upper part and one in lower part (see pic)

And then select the area between our sliced front part and assign material ID 3


Now we make the material for our sub. Make a Multi/Sub Object Material then..

The default number of multi/sub material is 10 materials. However we only need 3 material 4 our sub so click set number and assign 3 material


Now make the material we need i;e black as default (material no1), and the 2nd is red material (the red lower part) and 3rd is grey metal. MAX will assign material no.x (in this case 1,2 and 3) to the part of object with same material ID no :)


Here is the result
U can assign some vertical line maps (can be made easily with Paintshop or photoshop) to the material ID 1 (the black upper part) for more realistic looking

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