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Easy Modelling Russian submarine
level | beginner


Chief Modeller | Admin | owner | Designer :
'maestro' R Setiawan

rare 3voic

tutorial by 'maestro' R Setiawan
EasyModelling: Modelling Russian Submarine

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Detailing for me mean doing a lot of little thing. It will be too long to add step by step tutorial here so I only wrote the principle here .


Snorchel.... well I give U a hint : cylinder :) Make cyliner with around 10 segment and then manipulate it using edit mesh and transform tool :) for snorchel with two color U can assign multi/sub object :)

Adding Recession

We use boolean to make recession in sub body. Usually Russian submarine have various recession along its hull, but in this example we only do in the front recession where the hydroplane 'hidden' when the sub not operated

Make to blocks with the same size with the hole we gonna make.

Then choose create-compound objects-boolean

Select the sub hull then choose subtraction A-B. Click on pick operand B and select one of the blocks we already made. Now there is a recession in our sub hull :)
U gonna do it with another blocks for the hole in the left part but U cannot use boolean twice to a mesh. So before U do the next subtraction U must first convert the hull from boolean object to mesh object by selecting Modifier-Edit mesh or Modifier-MeshSelect

Now here is the result, but the color ID is messed up but.. hey you aleready know how to fix it!. Right, Use modifier-edit mesh and then select all the poly around and assign the proper material ID (that is, 2)
Got a pic of Alfa and u can easily add recession in around the hull and upper part (around the snorchel) of the hull easily using this methods


Hull Hydroplane

Simply make shape like this and...

Extrude it.. that is all but we need the left hydroplane so...

Choose Hierarchy-Pivot-Affect Pivot only and move the Pivot to the center so MAX will use it as mirroring center :)
Tail Hydroplane

Similar method with front hydroplane, but using edit mesh we 'slice' it near the base to make the side feature...
And array it around the center with incremental angle 90 degree

Adding Screw

Make the screw (that is how propeller called in submarine world) center, with make a tube then Modify-lathe tool-it with some bias

Blade can be made with several method, likes using method U use when make hydroplanes, or likes me, using block modelling i;e make a multi segmented block then edit it with modifier-FFD4x4x4
Move the blade's pivot to the center of propeller (see pic) and then array it, one dimensional array as much as 8
Now simply put good material to it :)


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