Odd & Ends Stuff
This is an Odds & Ends page, where all things that don't fit are thrown in here, it might be an odd sock, or the end of the world, we cater for all outcasts.
The Lyrics to.. Pokémon May Mount Weiss have a first? Probably! Rock on over to this odd page, where we have the lyrics to all the songs from the Pokémon album "2.B.A. Master". Someone informs me she has never seen lyrics posted on any other web site so far, so we might just gain some viewers in a Mount Weiss exclusive. |
She was bored, so she wrote some silly songs Sheridan is a silly nut, (who just also happened to write that) and in her time she has written what could be some Number One hits on her hands. Check out this page, filled with pointless fruitless lyrical mutter, and the lunchbox hit 'Give The Homeless More Of Your Time' (Britney Spears cover).
[page is up, but songs have been taken down] |
She was bored, so she did a page on.. those special characters It's where the french constantly have é's, the latest fashion is ž pants, people asking questions with upside down question marksżżż Welcome to MountASCII 101, where you get the most basic explanation, table and a free character map to get you out of symbol blues. |
We are nice, so we will share our past assignments with you! We're not trying to say we're geniuses or anything, but since we realise how hard it can be getting information on some subjects, we feel it is our duty to share what lovely things we have learned after 13 years of schooling. From English to Software Design & Development to.. Religious Education, what little we have, we will share. Just make sure we appear in your bibliographies! [under construction] |
We love to draw fans! Not quite, but hey if you want us to, we can arrange it. This is where we showcase some fan art, of the differing shows and phenomenon that we like to associate with.. [under construction] |
Can't Bowl, Can't Throw!
Five cricketers got together and played some music as a fun thing. Then they started doing gigs. Then they produced an album. And I couldn't find the lyrics to one of them. So I wrote them myself. Find out how to sing to Six & Out's "Can't Bowl Can't Throw".