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Classifications - Elementals

Elemental Mutants have the ability to channel and project various energies through their bodies.

Elemental Electricals
Elemental Electricals have the ability to generate, or absorb, electrical energy.
Note: Caution should be taken that an absorbing Elemental Electrical does not absorb a generating Elemental Electrical, as this could cause a catastrophic explosion.
Weakness: Electrical powers become weaker when the Mutant bearing them is soaked in water. As well, if they are currently generating, the water will have the effect of turning the electricity back on them, effectively electrocuting the elemental.

Elemental Thermals
Elemental Thermals have the ability to channel heat or cold. Mutants with Elemental Thermal Transfer abilities also have the ability to project that energy.

Elemental Sonics
Elemental Sonics have the ability to channel various sound-related abilities.

Elemental Chemicals
[No data available at this time]

Elemental Botanicals
Elemental Botanicals have the ability to affect plants and other organic objects.

Elemental Geographicals
Elemental Geographicals have the ability to channel various earth-related energies.

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