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Classifications - Moleculars

Molecular-based mutations give subjects attributes which defy physical science.

Molecular Intangibles have the ability to lessen their body density, allowing them be become almost completely permeable. This mutations lets them pass through solid objects with ease, including objects such as walls or floors.
Note: While the clothing that an Intangible is wearing 'phases out' with them, the same does not apply to objects that they holding, no matter what the object's size or composition.
Weakness: The ability of Intangibles to 'phase out' seems to be limited to the amount of time they can hold their breath. As well, there seems to be time limit on how long they can use their abilities before the effect becomes permanent.

Molecular Impervious mutants have the ability to increase their body density, allowing them to withstand penetration from solid objects, such as bullets.
Weakness: The ability of Impervious' to 'mass out' seems to be limited to the amount of time they can hold their breath.

Molecular Invisibles have the ability to create an aura around themselves to deflect light. This aura gives them the ability to function invisible to the naked eye, however, invisibles can be detected using infrared goggles. They are more commonly known as having stealth abilities, and have very short lifespans, as their mutation often deteriorates, killing them in the process.

Molecular propulsives have the ability to move at unnaturally high speeds.

Molecular Gravitatives have the ability to alter the weight of object, other people, or themselves.

Molecular Chromatics have the ability to effect color, light, and related factors.

Mutants with the ability of Molecular Stasis-Suspension have the ability to alter or freeze time.

Molecular replicators have the ability to replicate themselves, through such methods as self-cloning.

Molecular Elastics have the ability to alter their size or shape. This classification of mutant is extremely rare.

New Mutants

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- Moleculars
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