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Classifications - Psionics

Psionic mutants have abilities with are associated with heightened mental capabilities. This classification is the hardest to keep records of.

Psionic Telepaths have the ability to recieve and alter the thoughts of other people. They may also possess the ability to communicate mentally with other people, especially with other Psionic Telepaths

Psionic Telekinetics are able to lift and move objects using only their mind.

Psionic Telempaths have the ability to read and alter the emotions of others. They may also possess the ability to transmit their own emotions to other people. Telempathic visions sometimes appear in metaphorical terms.
Note: As a side effect to this ability, Telempaths are prone to migranes.

Tele-cybers have the ability to mentally interact with and manipulate computers and other electronic devices.
Note: As a side effect to this ability, Telecybers are prone to severe emotional swings.

Psionic Precognitives, otherwise known as Precogs, have the ability to see future events. It is speculated that these visions are only of possible futures, and may shift constently.

Psionic Illusionists have the ability to project unreal visuals or attitudes. However, the quality of these illusions is generally poor, appearing as a holographic, monochromatic image.

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