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New Mutant Database

The Following is a list of all New Mutants known to Proxy Green. Entries are listed in alphabetical order by last name, if known, otherwise first name is used.

A : B : C : D : E : F : G : H : I : J : K : L : M : N : O : P : Q : R : S : T : U : V : W : X : Y : Z


Name: Allison [Last name unknown]
Classification: Psionic Telekinetic
GSA/Mutant X: Mutant X-Safehouse Operator
Current Status: Safehouse Operator
Background: Allison operated one of the Mutant X Safehouses, however, she was captured by the GSA. After being rescued by Mutant X, there is no further information on Allison.

Name: Ashlocke, Gabriel
Classification: Various
GSA/Mutant X: Neither
Current Status: Leader of 'The Strand'
Background:Gabriel is the first child of Genomex, also known as Patient Zero, or Subject 1.0. He is the most powerful mutant ever created, and was subsequently placed into a stasis pod for the protection of both him and society. Gabriel was finally released by New Mutant 'Morgan Fortier', and took over the underground group known as 'The Strand'. He placed GSA director Mason Eckhart into stasis, and is intent on destroying both the GSA and Mutant X.



Name: Bell, Karen
Classification: Speculative (Feral Feline)
GSA/Mutant X: GSA
Current Status: Stasis-pod
Background: Karen Bell, formerly an internal auditor at Genomex, was assigned to capture New Mutant Richard Saunders. Because of her failure to do so before his death, Karen was placed into stasis by Mason Eckhart. Although Bell appeared to have no New Mutant abilities from her performance, Eckhart's reaction to her is noted as suspicious.

Name: Bellamy, Rick
Classification: Speculative (Elemental Geographical)
GSA/Mutant X: Mutant X-Safehouse Operator
Current Status: Deceased
Background: Rick Bellamy was one of the first mutants to come to the attention of Mutant X as having been infected by the Cladosporium virus. Although Mutant X did the best they could, Rick died only a few days before a cure for the disease was found.

Name: Benedict, Daniel
Classification: Psionic Telekinetic
GSA/Mutant X: Neither
Current Status: [undetermined]
Background: Daniel, son of Steven Benedict, attempted to turn his father, as well as New Mutant Tina, in to the GSA. However, he was stopped by Adam and the rest of Mutant X, who convinced Daniel that he was not a "freak". Daniel, though initially in denial about his abilities, used them to aid Mutant X member Jesse Kilmartin to escape from Sonja and Yuri, two Russian bounty hunters working for the GSA.

Name: Benedict, Steven
Classification: Psionic Telekinetic
GSA/Mutant X: Mutant X-Safehouse Operator
Current Status: Safehouse Operator
Background: Steven Benedict is an old friend of Adam's. He was almost turned in to the GSA by his son, Daniel (see above).

Name: Berkley, Aldous
Classification: Feral Feline
GSA/Mutant X: GSA - Informant
Current Status:deceased
Background:Berkley was recruited by Eckhart to capture New Mutant Danielle Hartman. After his failure, Eckhart poisoned him.

Name: Bigelow, Michelle
Classification: Psionic Telecyber
GSA/Mutant X: Formerly GSA
Current Status:Underground
Background:Michelle was assigned by Eckhart to locate and destroy all New Mutant Safehouses. She met up with Mutant X member Emma deLauro, a former friend from high school. Michelle captured Emma, and managed to get inside of Sanctuary by playing on their friendship. Michelle attempted to send the co-ordinates of Sanctuary to the GSA, but was saved by Emma.

Name: Bishop, Ruby
Classification: Psionic Telepath
GSA/Mutant X: Mutant X - Safehouse Operator
Current Status: [undetermined]
Background: Ruby, the owner of a bookstore, operated the safehouse which took in Emma prior to her initiation into Mutant X. After being captured by the GSA, Ruby disclosed the location of another safehouse. Due to this, his status as a safehouse operator is uncertain.



Name:Clark (Dark Star Operative)
Classification: Feral Feline
GSA/Mutant X: NO
Current Status:deceased
Background:Clarke was the victim of a Genomex/Tricorp. experiment to genetically engineer a New Mutant from a human being. He died due to a complication from the serum.

Name: Conlan, Matty
Classification: Elemental Electrical
GSA/Mutant X: Formerly GSA
Current Status:Underground
Background:Matty ConlAn contacted Mutant X member Brennan Mulwray, in an attempt to capture him for the GSA. After failing, she instead captured Emma deLauro, who had been split into two different people through a freak accident. Matty was convinced by this second Emma to almost kill the members of the GSA, but later regretted the action, which was undone by Mutant X. Matty was placed into the Underground. Matty's electrical abilities were a result of a GSA experiment, and Proxy Green is unclear as to whether her abilities have been retained permenantly.

Name: Cooke, Charlotte
Classification: Unclassified: Moral Change
GSA/Mutant X: Short time GSA
Current Status:Underground
Background:Charlotte Cooke first came into contact with Mutant X when she was saved from the GSA. Before that, her only contact had been with Adam, whom she blamed for the death of her father. After a heated argument, she joined the GSA, and used her abilities to turn Adam evil. She then returned to the GSA, where Charlotte realized that she had made a mistake. After being rescued by Adam, Charlotte saw the loyalty of his team, and reversed the effect of her powers. Adam showed Charlotte that he was not to blame for her fathers death.



Name:deLauro, Emma
Classification:Psionic Telempath
GSA/Mutant X: Mutant X
Current Status:Emma is currently a member of Mutant X
Background:See File (Mutant X - Team Members - Emma), or Click Here

Name: Dorn, Angel
Classification: Feral Feline
GSA/Mutant X: NO
Current Status: [undetermined]
Background: Angel Dorn is a former member of the anit-terrorist team known as "Dark Star". Angel was the victim of a Genomex/Tricorp. experiment to genetically engineer a New Mutant from a human being. After suffering complications from the serum, Angel was aided by the Mutant X team.



Name: Elliot, Ashley
Classification:Elemental Electrical (Absorption)
GSA/Mutant X: NO
Current Status: Underground
Background: [coming]



Name: Fox, Shalimar
Classification:Feral Feline
GSA/Mutant X: Mutant X
Current Status:Shalimar is currently a member of Mutant X
Background:See File (Mutant X - Team Members - Shalimar), or Click Here

Name: Fortier, Morgan
Classification: Telekinesis, Psionic(unspecified), etc.
GSA/Mutant X:Neither
Current Status:Member of 'The Strand'
Background: Previously a member of the GSA, Morgan defected to 'The Strand', helping super-mutant Gabriel Ashlocke to escape from his stasis pod.

Name: Fries, Pamela
Classification:Elemental Thermal (Cold)
GSA/Mutant X:GSA
Current Status: Speculative: Stasis
Background:Pamela Fries was assigned by Mason Eckhart to investigate the deaths of 6 New Mutant females. After discovering that the murderor was New Mutant Caleb Mathias, Pamela was captured along with Mutant X member Emma deLauro, and killed by Caleb. Upon Caleb's death, Pamela returned to live. It is probable that she was placed into stasis by Eckhart.



Name: Griffin, Marc
Classification: Psionic (Memory-altering)
GSA/Mutant X: NO
Current Status:Underground
Background: Marc Griffin was on his way to meet with Mutant X leader Adam when an accident caused the death of his girlfriend, Meghan. Marc attempted to blame the death on Adam, and stole Adam's memories, leaving Adam with total amnesia. After another confrontation with Adam, Griffin was captured by the GSA, and revealed the location of their headquarters, Sanctuary. Accompanied by Mason Eckhart, Griffin went to Sanctuary, where Mutant X member Emma deLauro convinced him to return Adam's memories. After Adam's memories were returned, Griffin then used his abilities to steal the memories of Mason Eckhart.



Name: Hartman, Danielle
Classification: Molecular Invisible (Stealth)
GSA/Mutant X: NO
Current Status:Underground
Background: Danielle Hartman, mother of New Mutant Katherine Hartman, and a former lover of Mutant X leader Adam, stole a genetic sequencer prototype from a Mutant X safehouse. She was ill, and turned to the Mutant X team for help. When their treatments proved too slow-acting for her liking, Danielle turned to the GSA, who attempted to kidnap her, for use as a weapon. Danielle was rescued by Mutant X, and she and her daughter were placed into the Underground.

Name: Hartman, Katherine
Classification: Molecular Invisible (Stealth)
GSA/Mutant X: NO
Current Status:Underground
Background: Katherine Hartmen, daughter of New Mutant Danielle Hartman, came into contact to Mutant X through her mother. Mutant X leader Adam used Katherine's DNA to construct a antidote to Danielle Hartman's illness. Katherine and her mother were subsequently placed into the Underground by Mutant X.




Name: Isley, Lena
Classification: Feral Reptus
GSA/Mutant X: GSA
Current Status:Speculative:Stasis
Background:Lena was assigned by Mason Eckhart to capture New Mutant Marc Griffin, in an attempt by the GSA to retrieve the memories of Mutant X leader Adam. She also accompanied Eckhart to the location of Mutant X's headquarters, Sanctuary. Although Lena accomplished her mission, Eckhart's temperment leads Proxy Green to believe that he would have had her put into stasis.



Name: Jerri (last name unknown)
Classification: Unknown (X-Ray vision)
GSA/Mutant X: NO
Current Status: Underground
Background: While quarantined with her husband Todd, and Mutant X member Brennan Mulwray, Jerri discovered that the man she had been cheating on her husband with was actually an informant for the GSA.



Name: Kilmartin, Jesse
Classification: Molecular Intangible/Impervious
GSA/Mutant X: Mutant X
Current Status: Jesse is currently a member of Mutant X
Background: See File (Mutant X - Team Members - Jesse), or Click Here

Kilohertz - See Sterling, Barry



Lena See Isley, Lena
Name: Longstreet, Bo
Classification: Feral Feline
GSA/Mutant X: NO
Current Status: [undetermined]
Background: Bo was the leader of the anti-terrorist team "Dark Star". Although Bo was the victim of a Genomex/Tricorp. experiment to genetically engineer a New Mutant from a human being, he did not suffer the complications which killed 10 of his team members, and which almost killed team member Angel Dorn.



Name: MacEvoy, Kendra
Classification: Molecular(Super-Strength)
GSA/Mutant X: GSA
Current Status: Speculative - Stasis pod
Background: Kendra MacEvoy was assigned to apprehend Toni, so that Toni could hack into, and take over, the Proxy Blue entity. Kendra successfully apprehended Toni, but Toni was eventually rescued by Mutant X. Although it is not certain, Proxy Green assumes that Kendra has been placed into stasis for her failure.

Name: Marlowe, Charles (?)
Classification: Molecular Regenerative
GSA/Mutant X: Formerly GSA
Current Status: deceased
Background: Marlowe was assigned by Eckhart to oversee Mutant X leader Adam's research into a mysterious virus which was killing New Mutants. Marlowe was then instructed to kill Adam. After a heated arguement with Adam, Marlowe was taken to Sanctuary, so Adam could extract his molecular DNA to form an antidote to the virus. This extraction caused Marlowe to lose his abilities, and he was later killed during a conflict with Eckhart and his men.

Name: Mathias, Caleb
Classification: Molecular Regenerative
GSA/Mutant X: NONE
Current Status: deceased

Name:Morse, Donna
Classification:Feral Feline
GSA/Mutant X: NO
Current Status: deceased
Background: Donna was the recipient of an experimental serum by Docter Richard Saunders. Although the serum was intended only to extract Donna's DNA, it created complications, causing Donna to lose control of her feral abilities, and eventually die.

Name:Mulwray, Brennan
Classification: Elemental Electrical
GSA/Mutant X: Mutant X
Current Status: Brennan is currently a member of Mutant X
Background: See File (Mutant X - Team Members - Brennan), or Click Here



Name: Neil (last name unknown)
Classification: Unknown
GSA/Mutant X: Mutant X safehouse operator
Current Status:Safehouse Operator
Background: Neil was the operator of the safehouse from which Danielle Hartman stole the genetic resequencer.



[No current entries]



Name:Porter, Calvin
Classification: Elemental Sonic (Enhanced Hearing)
GSA/Mutant X: GSA
Current Status: Stasis
Background:Calvin Porter was assigned by Eckhart to retrieve a disk held by Noah Kilmartin (father of Mutant X member Jesse Kilmartin.) After his failure, Porter was placed into stasis.



Name: Quintana, Toni
Classification: Psionic Telekinetic
GSA/Mutant X: NO
Current Status: Underground
Background: Toni, a friend of Mutant X member Brennan Mulwray, was involved in a relationship with Mutant X member Jesse Kilmartin. She attempted to hack into the computer system of Mutant X's headquarters, Sanctuary. Before the Mutant X team could undo the mapping, Toni was captured by GSA agent Kendra MacEvoy, and forced to hack into, and override , the Proxy Blue entity. After being rescued by the Mutant X team, Toni removed her mapping software from Sanctuary's system. She was employed by Adam to analyse and improve the computer systems for the Mutant Underground Safehouses.



Name: Renfield, Nick
Classification: Molecular Statis-suspension
GSA/Mutant X: GSA
Current Status: [undetermined]
Background: Nick Renfield was assigned to locate and apprehend New Mutant Barry Sterling (aka Kilohertz). Although Kilohertz escaped at Nick's first attempt, he was apprehended. As Nick did not fail in his mission, it is unlikely that he was placed in stasis, but his current whereabouts are unknown.

Name: Rice, Kelly
Classification: Elemental Thermal
GSA/Mutant X: Neither
Current Status: Member of 'The Strand'
Background: Kelly was rescued from the GSA by Mutant X, but subsequently joined an underground group called 'The Strand', aiding them to steal the New Mutant database.

Name: Robbins, Alice
Classification: Elemental Thermal (Heat)
GSA/Mutant X: NO
Current Status: deceased
Background: Alice Robbins was one of the New Mutants infected by the Cladosporium virus. Her body, having lost control of it's Thermal abilities, reached its ignition point, and Alice died shortly after Adam and Shalimar arrived.

Ruby - See Bishop, Ruby



Name: Saunders, Richard
Classification: Feral Feline
GSA/Mutant X: Formerly Genomex, but no association to GSA
Current Status: deceased
Background: Richard Saunders was formerly a scientist for Genomex. He was developing an 'anti-mutant' serum, which he was taking himself. This serum caused him to lose control of his abilities, and eventually die. Richard had a relationship with Mutant X Member Shalimar Fox.

Skeet - See Vossberg, Skeet
Name: Sterling, Barry (aka Kilohertz)
Classification: Elemental Electrical
GSA/Mutant X: NO
Current Status: Stasis-pod
Background: Barry Sterling, known as Kilohertz, was responsible for the crash of the stock markets, and the near-death of Mutant X members Jesse and Shalimar. He was taken in by Adam and the rest of Mutant X, but refuses to follow their rules. Kilohertz was eventually capture by the GSA, but not before threatening, and almost killing the Mutant X team.



Name: Templeton, Lorna
Classification: Feral Insectum (Scorpion)
GSA/Mutant X: Neither
Current Status: [undetermined]
Background: [Pending]

Name: Thorne, Frank
Classification: Psionic Telekinetic
GSA/Mutant X: GSA
Current Status: [undetermined]
Background: Frank Thorne was responsible for the death of Paul Breedlove, leader of Genomex. Serving as Eckhart's right hand man, he apprehended both Brennan Mulwray and Emma deLauro. During a rescue attempt by Mutant X (consisting at the time of Adam, Shalimar Fox and Jesse Kilmartin) Thorne and Brennan faced off. Because of Thorne's failure, and the deactivation of the Subdermal Governor placed in his neck, Proxy Green is unable to determine Thorne's present location or status.

Name: Tina (last name unknown)
Classification: Speculative (Feral Piscis)
GSA/Mutant X: NO
Current Status: Underground
Background: Tina contacted Mutant X because she was being tracked by two Russian Bounty hunters. She was placed with the Benedict family, who operated a Mutant Safehouse. Tina was almost turned in to the GSA by Daniel Benedict.

Name: Todd (Last name unknown)
Classification: Molecular Propulsive
GSA/Mutant X: NO
Current Status: Underground
Background: Todd, along with wife Jerri and Mutant X member Brennan Mulwray, was quarantined at a Mutant Safehouse during the outbreak of the Cladosporium virus. He discovered that the woman he had been cheating on his wife with was a GSA informant.

Toni: See Quintana, Toni



[No current entries]



Name: Valentine, Joshua
Classification: Elemental Thermal (Thermal Transfer Abilities)
GSA/Mutant X: NO
Current Status: [undetermined](Speculation: Underground)
Background: Joshua Valentine attracted the attention of Mutant X when he was kidnapped. After being rescued by Mutant X, it was discovered that Joshua's mother had hired the kidnapper. Joshua's father took the young boy to Genomex, believing that the GSA would 'cure' him. After another rescue by Mutant X members Jesse Kilmartin and Brennan Mulwray, Joshua was reunited with his mother and father. Although concrete evidence of Joshua's current status is unavailable, his special abilities make it highly likely that he was put underground by Adam.

Name: Vince
Classification: Molecular Propulsive
GSA/Mutant X: Mutant X - Safehouse Operator
Current Status: Safehouse Operator
Background:Vince operated one of the Mutant X Safehouses, along with New Mutant 'Allison'. He was captured by the GSA, but quickly rescued by Mutant X

Name: Voight, Henry
Classification: Psionic (Dream Manipulation)
GSA/Mutant X:Neither
Current Status:[undetermined]
Background:Henry Voight was the husband of former GSAgent Brianna. He blamed Mutant X for her apparent death, and used his ability to capture them all in their dreams, forcing them to confront their greatest fears. After learning that his wife was not dead, but instead being kept in a stasis pod by the GSA, he released Mutant X. His wife was returned safely.

Name: Vosberg, Skeet
Classification:Elemental Botanical
Current Status:[undetermined]
Background:Skeet was a friend to New Mutant Charlotte Cooke. He was captured by the GSA, who used him to discover Charlotte's plan for revenge against Adam. It is unclear what happened to Skeet after Charlotte was saved, but it is highly likely that he was placed into stasis.



[No current entries]



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New Mutants

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New Mutant Underground

New Mutant Database