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This is the place to apply for awards and see some that I've won. I know these new ones are a bit big, but don't you want to show off? Hehe.

Awards To Win! | Awards I've Won! | Who's Won?

Awards to Win!

This award is for sites that are neat and functioning properly. This means that the site can't be too cluttered, and there can't be any broken links or images that aren't showing up, you know, stuff like that. I do understand that no one's perfect, so don't let the 'requirements' scare you! What really matters here is that you show good effort in keeping your site nice and tidy. For this award, your site doesn't have to be a CATS site, but it has to mention the musical or your being a fan of the musical somewhere.

This award is meant for CATS art sections only, and your own art will be the only one that counts for it, not anyone else's that you may have up on your page. I don't care if you draw like Picasso or you feel you're deprived of artistic talent, it's once again about presentation and organization (and if you're one of those kitties who think they can't draw, the bravery involved with putting your work on the 'net for all to see!). The award will be changed to showcase one of your pieces (your favorite, maybe my favorite ^.^), and the colors will change to match it, of course.

If you have any warped art on your page, such as my Drunky Munky up there, this is your award! By warped art, I mean something that pokes fun at our beloved cats...this doesn't mean anything Well, yeah. Okay. LOL. Again, it'll be adjusted for your submission.

Do you have a special joke section on your website? Do you have a place where you just let all those silly vibes loose? You do? Then this award is definitely something you should go for!

An award for original fan fics. ^.^

An award for eye-candy! If you think your site could win a beauty contest, go for it!

If you win, I ask that you link the award back here.

You can only submit your own work!!!

The Application

What is your second Jellicle name?
What is your email address?
Which award[s] are you applying for?
What is the addy of your site?

Awards I've Won!

I won my first award from Ruby! Click on the award to go her site.

I won my second from Jemima!

I won my third award from Salvation At Our Paws!

I won my fourth award from Luna's Lair (brought to you by Luna, Mintika, and KK)!

I won my fifth award from Alonzo's Playground (brought to you by Liz)!

I won my sixth award from The Pied Piper's Assistant (brought to you by Scherzando)!

Who's Won?

Winners Of My Awards:
Jemima's Basket
(Okay, I've given out more awards than these, but I've misplaced my, erm...this is it, hehe).

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