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Who's A Jellicle Cat?

Forgive me for a lack of pictures; hopefully I'll get some nice ones up here soon.

Okay, so you know what a Jellicle Cat is now, but who are they? Well, here we go!

| Admetus | Alonzo | Asparagus |
| Bombalurina | Bustopher Jones |
| Carbucketty | Cassandra | Coricopat |
| Demeter |
| Etcetera | Electra | Exoctia |
| Griddlebone | Grizabella | Growltiger |
| Jellylorum | Jennyanydots |
| Macavity | Mistoffelees | Mungojerrie | Munkustrap |
| Old Deuteronomy |
| Plato | Pouncival |
| Rumpelteazer | The Great Rumpus Cat | Rum Tum Tugger |
| Sillabub/Jemima | Skimbleshanks |
| Tantomile | Tumblebrutus |
| Victoria |

Admetus: Chorus Cat.
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Alonzo: Alonzo is definitely a protector of the tribe, but it has been argued whether he is just coming out of kittenhood or whether he is a bit older, a more experienced member of the tribe. This debate has been going on because of some of the scenes in the musical, like when Alonzo sort of cuddles up to Munks, but then he fights Macavity after Munkustrap has been knocked down (*sadness*) and had carried Demeter away. Anyhoo, Alonzo seems to have a strong connection to Munkustrap and Demeter.
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Asparagus: Gus is a retired theatre cat (actor) who recalls his glorious days on the stage and gets everyone's eyes all misty. Jellylorum seems to take care of him the most (I have a theory that they're somehow related), though they all do, and none of the cats dare to disrespect him (not that he's the domineering type or anything, it's just the way they are).
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Bombalurina: Bombalurina is a flirt, and she pays extra special attention to Rum Tum Tugger. Anyhoo, her word is respected in the tribe, and she has close ties with Demeter (they're said to be sisters) and Munkustrap, with some unknown connection to Macavity (through Demeter? This tidbit is not the truth, nor is it false. It's just kind of...unknown).
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Bustopher Jones [Wears Whit Spats!]: Bustopher Jones is the cat about town, and all of the cats hold a deep respect for him (except for maybe Misto, who respects him in a playful and different sort of way, like maybe a son or a newphew would), and all of them love him.
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Carbucketty: Chorus Cat.
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Cassandra: Not much is known about Cassandra, but she was picked by Mistoffelees to be the magical and lovely assistant in bringing Old Deuteronomy back. She's a sleek and lovely creature, and very acrobatic.
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Coricopat: Coricopat is a mystic and a constant companion of Tantomile. Some think of them as twins (which I do...maybe it's because I'm a twin), and some as mates (which personally I think is most unlikely as they look so alike; what I'm trying to say is that twins are more believeable). He seems to hold a bond with Sillabub (Jemima), and he's always one of the first to sense the coming of Old Deuteronomy, and the arrival[s] of Grizabella.
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Demeter: Demeter always knows when Macavity's coming. She can feel his presence. She is said to have romantic connections with Munkustrap or Alonzo, but definitely has some sort of connection with both, either way you look at it. Bombalurina is said to be her sister, which is most believeable. She may have been kidnapped by Macavity in the past.
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Etcetera: The most Tugger-obsessed kitty! Etcetera is a very active, very curious, and ditzy little kitten. Despite all of these things that some would find annoying, I think that she is the most loveable characters in the show. Chorus Cat.
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Electra: Also a Tugger-obsessed kitt, not much is known about Electra, but she has a sort of sisterly tie to Etcetera. Chorus Cat.
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Exotica: Chorus Cat.
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Griddlebone: Now some of you who have only seen the video might think that I'm crazy because you have no clue who this character is. In "Gus: The Theatre Cat", Gus mentions that he once played Growltiger. Well, Griddlebone is the love of Growltiger's life, and quite a comical character at that.
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Grizabella: Grizabella, the Glamour Cat, apparently went to seek her fortune outside of the junkyard, and so she was made an outcast. In the outside world, things weren't going to well, so she returns to the junkyard, tattered and torn, trying to return as a Jellicle. Eventually, she is accepted and reborin in the Heavyside Layer. Grizabella is rumored to be mother to Munkustrap and a mate to Deuteronomy.
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Growltiger: Again, some of the vid-only people might think I'm insane, because "Growltiger's Last Stand" is not in the video. Growltiger is a mighty pirate king who is in love with Griddlebone and is somewhat prejudiced. Eventually, the Siamese cats take over his ship and make him walk the plank.
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Jellylorum: Jellylorum takes care of Gus for the most part, and they seem to have a special bond (again, I believe that they are related). She seems to hold a considerable amount of seniority in the tribe. Jelly seems to watch out for most of the kittens.
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Jennyanydots: Jennyanydots serves as a motherly type of figure for the mice and the cockroaches, and has good common sense. Jenny also seems to have this huge type of crush on Munkustrap (but hey, who doesn't? ;0).
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Macavity: Though it seems that his picture is painted as the bad guy, I'm not always so sure. The only thing that really gets me is that he beats up on Munkustrap and Alonzo, but otherwise I only see him as the school bully. I think he's really a broken tom deep down inside who just wants (if I may quote Jefferson Airplane) somebody to love (Demeter). It's rumored that he's somehow related to Munkustrap and/or Deuteronomy.
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Mistoffelees: The Magical Mister Mistoffelees doesn't seem to be well-respected (as Tugger says, "and don't scoff!"), but he's well-liked. Perhaps this is because not all of them know of his power, but think of him as doing parolor tricks until he brings back Deuteronomy through his lovely assistant, Cassandra. It's been said that there's a love triangle between Victoria, Plato and himself, or Victoria, Cassandra and himself. We can never know for sure. I think he has some sort of relationship (like that of a nephew) with Bustopher Jones, and he loves Old Deuteronomy dearly. Some say that Munkustrap and/or Tugger are his older brothers.
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Mungojerrie: Mungojerrie is one of the notorious couple of cats, and he was at one time definitely an agent for Macavity, but I think that he stopped that a long time ago for some reason. He's a prankster. There is evidence in the video of Rumpleteazer being his mate: he gooses her on the behind.
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Munkustrap: I fondly call Munkustrap my silver mackeral hero. He's [obviously] my favorite character. Jennyanydots, Demeter, and Bombalurina all seem to have a crush on him. He's rumored to be the son of Deuteronomy and Grizabella, the brother of Mistoffelees and/or Tugger, and somehow connected to Macavity and Alonzo. Munks leads the Jellicle Tribe when Old Deuteronomy is not around; he's loved and respected by "his" tribe.
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Old Deuteronomy: Old Deuteronomy is the leader of the Jellicles. He is somewhat elderly (hence the first part of his title). Everyone loves him, especially Mistoffelees. He's rumored to be the father of Munkustrap and mate of Grizabella.
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Plato: Not much is known about Plato, but there is some sort of love triangle perhaps between Victoria, Mistoffelees, and himself, because he's got this big dance solo with Victoria that is quite suggestive. Chorus Cat.
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Pouncival: Chorus cat.
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Rumpelteazer: Mungojerrie's mate and partner in crime, also a bit Tugger-crazy.
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The Great Rumpus Cat: The fearsome hero in "The Pekes and the Pollicles".
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Rum Tum Tugger: The biggest flirt of them all, Tugger will love anything that walks, or so it seems until he rejects Bombalurina! In time, however, he makes up for it, and they're together once again. Etcetera, Electra, Rumpleteazer, and Victoria are all crazy for him. Some of the toms, however, are jealous, and don't think much of him. Meow, can those hips move!
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Sillabub/Jemima: This kitty has a bit of a thing for Alonzo, I think, because she gives him a few of those looks, and they're rather flirty. She seems to take pity on Grizabella the most, but is afraid to actually welcome her back personally. Silla's also one of the kitts who has a thing for Tugger.
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Skimbleshanks, the Cat of the Railway Train: Skimble is like an uncle to all of the Jellicles, and he's well-liked by all.
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Tantomile: Tantomile is a mystic and a constant companion of Coricopat's. I like to say that they're twins, though some believe they're mates. She seems to hold a bond with Sillabub (Jemima), and she's always one of the first ones to sense arrivals and leavings.
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Tumblebrutus: Chorus Cat who does a lot of tumbling and dancing.
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Victoria: Unfortunately, Victoria has become the cat that everyone loves to hate, and I don't know why. I think it's absolutely ridiculous. Anyhoo, Victoria is a cat with a few big dance solos, and it's said that there's a love triangle between Mistoffelees, herself, and Plato, or Mistoffelees, herself, and Cassandra.
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