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I saw CATS on Broadway twice! Find out more here!

July 23, 1999!

It's July 23, and I am going to see CATS. I am psyched! I change into something more 'appropriate,' as mum would put it, for the theatre (in other words, a red-and-white striped shirt with black stretch bellbottoms, with fancy-dancy shoes). It's around....5:00 PM?...and we(my mother, my sister, and myself) drive over to the bus stop. Excitement is mounting!

We're in the city, and have gotten our CATS T-Shirts from "Broadway Memories," a store right next to the Winter Garden Theatre. We get some Dunkin Donuts, and some soda. We lean against a wall to eat our 'dinner'. walking to the theatre! We go in, hit the bathrooms, and get to our seats. After a bit, the lights dim, people quiet down, and the orchestra starts up: EXCITEMENT IS AT IT'S PEAK! Michael Gruber slides down the car-hood, and sings the first notes....I melt upon hearing his angelic voice (I LOVE Michael Gruber), and somehow manage not to faint.

It's now intermission, and we go out to buy souveneirs. When we come back, we got to go up on the stage! Old Dueteronomy was still as a stuatue up there, a well-deserved rest.

When the show is over, we go around to the stage door to get autographs and picture(mother was well-prepared with a polaroid!). Unfortunately, I missed Michael Gruber coming out, but I caught Joey Gyondla(*YAY*), so I was happy all the same!

After our autograph/picture session, we run to the bus stop, so as not to miss our bus. We *just* make it in time! We all take a nice nap on the bus, and ride back to Staten Island. Walking to our car, we sing some Jellicle Tunes, and drive on home. I go online! I post at a few message boards about the show, and then I go to bed in my clothes, not wanting to bother with pajamas.

The next morning, I feel like it was a dream, but I had the playbill, souvenier program, T-shirt, and autographs and/or pictures to help me 'wake up'!

June 23, 2000!

Well, it was supposed to be the last public show, but it wasn't, and I'm happy and unhappy about it, because it closed anyway, and I really wanted to see the last public show. It would be really special. Seeing "CATS" is always special, but it would have a different meaning. Anyhoo, I saw the show with Tanto (my sis), Shadow, Sim, Nick, Tatters, Bombs, and Grizzy (RPGing friends from the 'net). It was great, though I had back-row balcony seats and was yelled at for getting a booster seat by an usher because I'm not a little kid, but I paid for my seat and I couldn't see, so there! Anyhoo, I'm not going to be as thorough as I was in the last summ, because you all know the show, and I basically went through the same highs and lows, minus the ones relating to Michael Gruber and Joey Gyondla, as they weren't in it this time.

But I did get to go to the party afterwards at TGIFriday's with all of my buds, and Tanto, Grizzy and I got to sing with Julius (Misto...)! Anyway, the whole thing was absolutely fantastic! Hehehe. Maybe I'll do it again in five years or so...there's bound to be a revival by then!


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