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Fan Fiction!

We meet again! Welcome to the section of my web page that is devoted to fan fiction. Please, feel free to send me some of your own! Anywhoo, here are some fics:

My Kitten, My Son, My Tom Written by Yours Truly! Send some reviews my way (but go easy, the fic is a bit old, and is one of my first)!

One With Nature, another written by...yours truly. This story is about one of my characters on a RP board named Sabin. It reveals some of his past. Don't know the character? Please, read it anyway! I want to know if it's a good story, hehehe.

Okay, so it's not a fanfic, but it's fan fun, and it's typed...though they're not the funniest. Jellicle Pick-Up Lines!

Well, I finally started another fanfic, after many moons. This one remains untitled, and is still a work in progress. More chapters will be added later: Untitled.

Binding the Knots, a beautiful piece of fan fiction! It's written by my dear friend Gaelic!

Wishful Thinking, quite lovely, by Saphinora, another close friend!

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