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Numbers 1 - 30

1     People are not perfect. They can only hurt you if you let them.

2     Walk in the knowledge of contentment of understanding and peace of mind, for to walk in the knowing, is to be set free.

3     If you belittle and ignore your spirit, and therefore your soul, the chain of communication is weak and you feel lost and abandoned.

4     True freedom can only be experienced when you live from within, in contact with your spirit and soul.

5     Your spirit is complete and well. Life is precious, look around and try to help those in deep need, you can help make life more bearable.

6     To be upset over what you don't have, is to waste what you do have.

7     We are responsible for our behaviour and the consequences of that behaviour and for how we interrelate with others.

8     Practice does not make perfect. Practice makes possible. And everything is possible.

9     I am only one, but still. I cannot do everything, but still. I will not refuse to do that something that I can do.

10     Take this gift of life that has been given to you, and you will walk in peace. Truly you will walk in paradise.

11     You are a teacher, and what you teach is what you need to learn, and so you teach it over and over again, until you learn it.

12     When you find your own inner stillness and believe in your right to live in peace and harmony, you will overcome all obstacles and help others to do the same.

13     Only when the last tree has died and the last river has been poisoned and the last fish has been caught will we realise, we cannot eat money.

14     There are no chosen ones, there are no people better than others and there is not one system for all.

15     How do you stop the downward spiraling of the wheel of unhappiness and start converting it into an upward spiral of happiness, don't judge. Live and let live.

16     It all depends on the quality and quantity of critical, rejecting energy or accepting, loving energy that you feed back into the people and situations around you.

17     Cast aside the logicality of thought, for it is the logical mind that has imprisoned you.

18     The purpose of our lives is to be free of all addictive traps, and then become one with the ocean of living love that never ends.

19     Nothing is seperate, it is all one so are you, one with all and all for one, nothing is in isolation.

20     You are like a radio that can receive many stations, what you receives depends on what you pay attention to.

21     Many of us think without speaking and what effect it will have on others, so in the best interest for you. If you say nothing nice, don't say anything at all.

22     The Great Spirit is not seperate from you, you shine with His love. You breathe with His breath, you speak with His voice, you are one.

23     In every way, in every day, I am getting better and better. For I am in the right place at the right time and moment.

24     We are all afraid of the unknown at some time, the hidden secret, fear we try to ignore, but with sharing and communication, debate and understanding we can shed light on taboo subjects.

25     We arrive on earth clean and clear of past lives. We are not born full of past-life disasters to wade through.

26     We are all givers and receivers, teaching and learning from each other, all that we give out, we receive.

27     you have the power to bring great joy and peace to others, to love inconditionally and that is a great gift to have and that they can share with you.

28     To receive true forgiveness is a bonus. A person can say they forgive you and still feel bitter, until they understand our actions and themselves.

29     The nothingness of the past, the nothingness of the future. For in your thoughts of now is what is yet to be.

30     The longer I live, the more I realise the impact of truth and love on live. Truth and love to me, is more important than fact.

1-30      31-60      61-90      91-120      121-128     

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