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Numbers 91 - 120

91     Stand proud staight and tall. Not as others see you, but as you truly are.

92     You have known sadness and disappointment, but you have also found power to pass through the struggle and stand straight and tall.

93     I can't fix or change the past, I release and let go of the past, I cherish my self and my beauty with in, I am safe, I am loved.

94     In giving all that you are, also comes back to you, it is all up to you. It is all up to you in what way, it is your choice.

95     As a conscious being, the only thing you need to find happiness in life, is to perceive clearly who you are, and exactly what are real conditions, here and now.

96     Clean up your own backyard, before you start to clean up other backyards.

97     Know that there is only one energy. If you see yourself as unworthy, that is the reality that you will live in the future.

98     How can you love others if you do not love yourself? The love you have for yourself and the love you have for others are building blocks joining together within you to create the beauty of love.

99     The physical world is full of pit falls, where spirit holds no fear of peril, it just is. What will be, will be.

100     LOOK ahead with great joy, knowing life's lessons have taught you very well, understand these lessons, use them well in the places you go and the places you dwell.

101     Accept life will give you an opportunity to discover more about you to grow in ways you thought would take forever.

102     You are upon the turning wheels of life, if you listen and hear the silent voice of Divinity, it will guide you on the right path.

103     If you try to be responsible, and make choices within your capabilities, that is the beginning, we can help each other, and in doing so, help ourselves to a greater awareness.

104     Happiness happens when your consciouness is not dominated by addictions and the demands and you experience life as a parade of preferences.

105     As the sky is connected to the sea, the sea is joined to the land, and the land is a part of you, also you are one with the Great Spirit.

106     The past is dead, the future is imaginery, happiness can only be in the eternal now, the moment. Live for the moment.

107     All that exists in this very moment in time is you. What lays before you is life.

108     Love everyone unconditionally, including yourself.

109     A loving person lives in a loving world. A hostile person lives in a hostile world.

110     There is only this moment and you are in the moment, to create what will be. It is all up to you.

111     What my mind can conceive and believe in and can achieve, forget the past and live for today, start on my dreams for the future.

112     Sometimes the greatest lessons that we learn in life are learned through suffering, yet it is possible to look back on such moments and see that they have helped us in many ways.

113     How can you help others if you can't even help yourself. You must understand and know before you can help.

114     I will face the truth and be honest with myself, to take full responsibility for my actions.

115     Everyone has a different set of patterns to weave which can get into a muddle. When help is given to unravel the confusion, the right pattern can be seen.

116     Each living thing, each bird, animal, each insect, tree, blade of grass is apart of the Great Spirit's creation. The stars, even you yourself are a part of the Great Spirit.

117     As you come closer to the truth and your heart opens up to set itself free, to welcome the voice of life. You will see the light at the end of the tunnel.

118     Be still and listen and you will hear the silent voice of divinity itself. That you are eternal.

119     There is nothing about higher consciousness that says you have to become totally involved in other people's predicaments. You just learn to love them unconditionally.

120     For what is the power and strength of self without love. To love oneself totally for the greater good is the power and strength.

1-30      31-60      61-90      91-120      121-128     

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