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Numbers 121 - 128

121     When there is trouble don't turn away, front it head on. If you turn away and don't accept the truth, how can you fix it?.

122     The Great Spirit does not know how to punish, it is you that sits in judgement of you. It is you who punishes you.

123     Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

124     Your logicality allows you only to see that which your eyes perceive and that which your ears can hear. But if you walk with love, in truth you will see and hear all in life.

125     It is easy to speak the words, now you should put them into practise. Which might not be so easy, and live your life in truth.

126     If we live in spirit, let us also walk in the spirit.

127     It takes courage to accept what we are, are we coming from our true self or are we copying someone else? Are we honest in our actions?.

128     You have seen tears and disappointments you regret that which was, you look upon your mistakes, did you make them that you might learn from them?.

1-30      31-60      61-90      91-120      121-128     

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