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Numbers 61 - 90

61     I deserve to enjoy life. I love who I am. And I accept with joy and pleasure. I am secure on all levels

62     As the stars in heaven are in their appointed place, so are you in your appointed place.

63     For the peace you shall desire is that sacred place which nothing can disturb, look for the needs of spirit, not the needs of the world.

64     I am safe in the universe, and all life loves me, and supports me.

65     From those invisable chains that bind you. Do away with those bad habits.

66     To your heart, for through your heart comes the one light, which illuminate life and makes it clear to your eyes.

67     Don't worry about yesterday, yesterday has gone, don't worry about tomorrow, tomorrow hasn't come, and don't worry about today, today hasn't happened. It's only the now that matters.

68     We are all different in many ways and yet we are all the same, when we can accept this truth that we are equal, then we can unblock our minds and open up our hearts.

69     I ACCEPT myself completely here and now and consciously experience everythign I feel, think, say and do as a necessary part of my growth.

70     You are one with the Great Spirit. Create your beauty within to shine out for all to see, you are perfect in Him.

71     You must learn to love yourself, right here and now. You need to feel that no matter how horrible you have judged your past actions, each day your life begins anew.

72     Don't judge or be hard on others, until you have walked a mile in their moccassins, and then think twice before you point the finger.

73     Sometimes things happen for a reason we don't always understand why, but it's to help you grow, to understand and to become stronger, to be able to help others in times of need.

74     The purpose of life is to live. To live in peace and harmony. To become all that which you are.

75     You need to be brave and look inwards at your own mirror to learn to know your own self.

76     Don't judge the book by it's cover, look what's inside and you will open your eyes to the real beauty with in.

77     THE NATURE of all life is that we win some and we lose some, when we unitively merge with everything, winning and losing are one.

78     You have travelled many roads, you have been tested on many levels, and found your strengths and weaknesses. To find You.

79     Try to practice what you preach. Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you.

80     All the world's a stage, they have their exits and their entrances, and all the men and women , merely players, and one person in their time plays many parts.

81     With the voice of love and peace as you speak with the voice of all life. Recognise your power.

82     There is no good and bad, right or wrong, there is acceptable and nonacceptable behaviour. In our life on earth it is the choice of each person what they give into the atmosphere.

83     What is fear, a shadow. It has no substance, it draws upon you what you fear the most.

84     To love oneself is to love the Great Spirit, from which all life embraces. The strengths and weaknesses of ones own self.

85     When your thoughts are in order with understanding, is to know lifes lessons are the souls teacher for the greater you.

86     The time for words has passed, now I must walk my words, and live in my truth, I've walked the walk now I must walk the talk.

87     What comes from you, returns to you. What comes around, goes around. If it is love, love must return.

88     All things in our lives are on lease. We do not own anything, We are each responsible for how all things are cared for and protected, we are the guardians of all life forms.

89     Understanding is the key to unlock the doors, to increase the joy and deepen the spirit, to free the soul.

90     If you can say nothing nice, say nothing at all, for to judge others is to judge ones Self.

1-30      31-60      61-90      91-120      121-128     

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