The Abbey, Oldham - 10th August 2001

Talk about touring! Since the 4th of August the Squirrel have been at it like bunnies! We hit the Glass Barrel on Saturday the 4th, we returned to Oldham’s Castle on Thursday the 9th and we levelled the neighboring Abbey the following day on the 10th. We are also heading to the Star and Garter in Manchester on the 14th!

We played once again with our good funky friends Catamite. And once again we used Eyes Wide Shut boys’ PA system, which ROCKS! Even though only half of it was present it still gave us a rad sound and that’s all we need to be happy… of course the punters were NOT hearing a rad sound as we began with our new song “A Reply To All Your Letters” or “The Crab Song” as we so call it due to a certain stupid looking chord!

Only about 30 people were in the Abbey, about 10 of those were watching us and of those 10 4 were the Catamite boys! So basically the crowd had eaten balls for breakfast, lunch and dinner for fate to serve them up as our audience for the night. We were applauded after every song, and I was pleased with how we sounded. I think we all enjoyed this gig because we could hear ourselves very well and we didn’t fail miserably!

A few songs were a bit iffy here and there. There’s No Fun In Not Being Friends, fell out of time… but hell that song is a bit like a phantom camel taking an ess whilst saying “PRAN DAST! PRAN DAST!” on its head. So who cares right?!

We were harassed into playing a Black Sabbath cover, which we settled with Fraggle Rawk and of course Munch Burger was soon to follow. Then an unheard of event took place. The Squirrel played one more song… yes our first song again, due to us having to stay on “stage” for around 40 minutes. After we left to slight applause Catamite rocked the house down!

We got £40 for this gig, which rocks! Thankyou to Catamite and I expect all the locals of Oldham to venture to the Star and Garter on the 14th to see us play!

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