Squirrely Stories

Squirrely Guestbook

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Squirrely History


As some of you may have noticed Enuff Squirrel don’t really do much. They play the odd gig every now and then and when they do people don’t really know what to do because they are unfamiliar with their songs and think they are utter ess (mainly because they are). Well Enuff Squirrel have recognized this and have resolved upon the decision to change this status.

See they began not knowing how to play their instruments very well, however they were at that time very keen to have their own material, therefore they wrote lots of basic songs that they could play without much hassle. Anyway, they seem as of today, to not have gotten rid of many of these older songs. This is silly because even though Enuff Squirrel are utter ess, they are much better than they used to be and can play more difficult (and interesting) things. A silver lining has been found in certain new songs that are much more fun to play than the older songs, but Enuff Squirrel are thick and haven’t added much to this secondary collection of songs.

Furthermore it has now been decided that Enuff Squirrel are to make a change in how they go about their attempt at a band. They are now going to actually try to get rid of all their old crap songs that they don’t like and write a whole new batch of songs. If they fail to do this then they are going to say “Ball off ball face” to each other and ball off. If they succeed then they will say “I’m ess so eat my ess” and they will eat ess. Anyway this is that plan as for now.

The guestbook is easier to reach if I put it here… it’s still at the bottom too. I smell of poo.

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Squirrels in Macclesfield

Yes well, our next gig is on the 10th November in Macclesfield at the George Hotel. This happens to be Josh Squirrel’s birthday so please bring him many presents and lots of money. He will be a fossil by then so a wheelchair and a Zimmer frame would be appreciated. We are playing with Appease and Middlesbrough legends Hebe. Entrance will be £2, the venue rocks, please come!!


History of Squirrels At Play

If any of you care, here is a list of the gigs we have played so far. Each link will take you to a review of that gig, please read them and see how crap we actually are.

Hollywood Bar - Abbey - Redhouse - Castle - Glass Barrel - Castle Returns - Abbey Returns - Star & Garter - Collective - Castle Forever

Silly Stories

To read more silly stories just like the one below please refer to the following link. Silly Stories

James Ballsalloverhead was a shy, retiring gentleman. Often found by those who like to observe strangers settled in their dwellings to be combing back the thick mass of one hundred or so balls from the forefront of his ample sized head. It became apparent to James early in the 1950's when he was but two-and-ten years of age that he was no regular child. Indeed James situated in a crowd of youths his own age was like observing a bespectacled-red-headed child achieving the response of his club-wielding peers after remarking facetiously on the pleasures easily gained from the not-so-unlike-a-prostitute career of the gang leader’s mother. A pained recollection, scars of diffidence, a huge loss of self-esteem and a MK-13 military machine gun were all that were at James’ disposal as he turned eighteen years of age and stared blankly at the clouding grey sky as the “Ha Ha Balls-on-head!” set sail for Pakistan. After serving twenty years in the Pakistanley army fighting Batfink and Toejam (from the Sega Mega Drive’s “Toejam and Earl” computer game series) and their respective resilient armies. James flew back to England with every intention of living as quiet and reserved a life as possible. Ironically with his huge collection of sperm producing organs James could not indeed fertilise even the most tender of eggs. That placed aside his obvious unattractiveness left him single and friendless. Moreover James had already been disfigured beyond his natural form when in his early teens, a fellow student freely exercising his youthful capacity, began to swing on one of James’ larger more protruding balls in a heavily oscillating maneuver, rendering James hospitalized for several months. After being discharged from the medical facility light on pride and minus the violated organ James swore revenge… that was until another incident occurred in which a sprouting, joyful youth, in his eagerness to impress his friends, attacked James with a baseball bat. This attack was far from what James was used to experiencing however. The youth swung the bat at every ball he could find on James’ head. As soon as one ball had been harshly batted aside the next one in sight would be struck upon by a fearsome forward jab. As the former ball commenced the latter part of its pendulum, the seething youth would administer a sideways thrust kick to it, thus buying himself enough time to scatter aside the already bruised and oozing testicles behind the swinging ball and find a fresh field for his wrath. The attack probably only endured the first half of a minute, but as James lay heavily sedated in the emergency ward, it was plain to see that half a minute was more than enough... to be continued

The guestbook has toys in it. If you sign the guestbook you get a free toy. If you don't then you do not get a free toy. By the way the guestbook isn't really filled with toys, it's filled with curry and poo. So remember, eat SLAM, say KRAN and never forget John is RAM!

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