Inside Jokes

Sucks to be you, I know I know. Sucks to be you, I know it's true. Sucks to be you. I know I know, sucks to be you, I know it's true... I'm a bastard and it's true. The things she did to me is what I did to you. I'm a bastard and it's true... And I guess it's true. Sucks to be you, I know I know. Sucks to be you, I know it's true. Sucks to be you, I know I know. Sucks to be you... You need to know I finally understand and I gotta get in touch, but you know that I can't, I wish I could tell you I'm sorry, but I'm a bastard and it's true. If the things she did to me, is what I did to you, I'm a bastard and it's true............

HEWWO, and welcome to the Inside Jokes And because they are "Inside" jokes, most of you probably won't get them... Actually only Poosie, Kat and Erin know about'em I think... BUT HEY!!! If something funny comes up between us, I shall put it on this section to utterly embarass ourselves! Sound good eh? *grins* But yes, the jokes (K they aren't really JOKES they are just little sayings that were funny at time time!) But the jokes are between Poosie, Kat and Erin therefor the ones between Erin & I are in purple. The ones between Kat and I are in blue, and the ones between Poosie and I are in orange! And the ones that are like ALL of our inside jokes are in blue! ^^ KK? Sound good! Read ahead guys!

•I hold onto your body, cos I am Celine Dion!!!!!!
•Kathleen, you know nothing of love... or receipts!
•Darth Vader *foam coming out of mouth*
•It would suck to be a Vampire and have braces
•One time I crapped my pants.....
•((PARENTAL UNITS)) Lets open the window to get a feel for the atmosphere ((ERIN)) FEEL the atmosphere... I wonder if that's legal.....
•Look at the FRENCH guy on the Bike in his little french shorts!!!
•Stupid whore and her waffles
•Lets bite that guy to piss him off
•Sometimes when I'm at home in Cape Breton with my buddies, and we got our fiddles we just love to........... *blank silence* FIDDLE?!?!?!?!
•My clonking honkers *grins*
•The fiddler chick has a funky ass eh?
•You WINSTON you lose some :P
•I'm fat, I MEAN Monica!!!
•Sears Catilogue
•I'm a Wax Virgin!
• Erin.... the lifeguard KNOWS I'm a fish....
• Charles Dickens is a BASTARD!!!
• Leg Hair :)

• That guy is TOTALLY scoping me out!
• What the FUCK? They don't have frosties?!?!?! I mean what happened if today we were having a "SITUATION"?!?!
• If there's a Wiggle, there's a way!!
•The girl's got baggage!!!!
• I work at Wendy's, you work at Tim's! :) M:: WANT SOME FRIES??? K:: NO, DO YA WANT A DONOT??? *both screaming
• Kathleen *places a hand on her shoulder* 90% of lesbians touch when they talk!!!!
•Oogily Woogily woo!!!!!
•KATHLEEN stop staring at all the guys!!!

• Ice....... *shudders* YUCK
• You inlanders and your "technology" and "reading and writing skills" I mean when's the last time YOU grew a crop eh????!!!
•Betty Boo!!!! :P
• Valley girl, she's a VALLEY GIRL!
• Watch out where the huskies go, and don't you eat that yellow snow!
•Girl, you thought he was a man, but he really was a muffin!
• Kick the Dancing Baby (shake Your Booty!!!)
• And The Lord SAID!!!!

Well, as I write this I'm kinda slumped, trying to think of all this stuff at once. Sooooo There will be more soon, so check back OFTEN! Cos we're always messing around!!!! (dont think nasty!! geez!!!)

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