
Booooooooooooogggg....................... ^_^ *pat pat*

Kiwi!!! Well lets see, i've also known this dude for a good 7 years at Millidgeville North, and he also use to live like 4 houses away from me (until I moved) And our parents are pretty good friends as well! Kiran was born sometime in March, and I cant remember because I SUCK! *lol* Sorry K!! I know it's at the end, because he is an aries! He lives with his younger sister, and his two parents who are both doctors (yeah baby, cha-ching!!!$$$$) J/K He's really smart and he gets awesome grades and is gonna be in full I.B. this year which is just kinda shitty!!! He plays b-ball, and it's his life and he's planning on dedicating his spare time practicing so he can try-out for the Senior Boys team! And he is sooooo dedicated to the team. Last year he was on the Junior Boys team and as everyone quit (cos they were loosing a lot) He stayed with them. What does Kiran look like? MAHATMA *lol* Just Kidding!! Nah, people always think me and him are like twins or something cos we're both originated from East India! So yeah he's got a little darker skin then me (basicallyt he same) Black hair, (always gelled and short cut!!) And big brown eyes! He's right tall now (which makes me feel short!!!) Whats he like? Oh he's cool! He's super nice and super huggy-touchy and I do believe he was named the flirtiest guy in grade 8!!! Yeah he knows a lot of chicks and he makes'em feel like gold all the time! He's thoughtful guy but like not in touch with his feminine side (THANK GOD) and he's sweet and all of that good stuff! A real good friend! (he puts up with MY PMS!!!) So there we go with Kiran, he's an awesome friend and I wuv him

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