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Chronology, part 5

Calendar year 2375
Stardate 52054.5 - 52067.1

Stardate 52054.5 Story 86 by
  • Reman wakes up in his cell, and complains about being locked up there.
Stardate 52054.6 Story 88 by
  • After Captain Mason wakes up from his coma, he's briefed on the ship's status by Enoz. Then, he and Enoz clash with a rescued P.O.W.
Story 89 by
  • After Enoz finishes talking to Taj, Syxx finds out that Taj has some information that may help with the double pregnancy dilemma, and decides to try to get it.
Stardate 52054.8 Story 86 by
  • Lyinn runs into the brig and tries to attack Reman, but is vaporized by Beeg.
Story 89 by
  • However, the real Lyinn wasn't vaporized, just a hologram. Syxx tells Reman that he'll be blamed for Lyinn's death, and uses that to convince him to help. Reman manages to get the information from Taj.
Stardate 52056.7 Story 89 by
  • During the morning staff meeting, the ship suddenly goes to red alert.
Story 90 by
  • It's discovered that the Equinox has come upon a dark matter nebula, and the ship's deflector is causing explosions within it.
Story 86 by
  • The ship shakes and goes to red alert for an hour.
Stardate 52058.0 Story 90 by
  • Taj suspects that he's been swindled by Reman and goes to the brig to confront him. When Taj ends up assaulting Heaton, he's placed in a holding cell as well. Beeg gets some information from Reman about where Lyinn came from.
Stardate 52059.9 Story 86 by
  • Reman is released from his holding cell and goes back to his barber shop to find it in ruins, but his latinum is still there.
Stardate 52060.0 Story 91 by
  • Reman packs up his latinum and thinks about Taj's plan to steal Enoz's baby, which he was forced to go along with. Beeg has a bad reaction to a drink Sasha Stroh makes for him.
Stardate 52062.7 Story 92 by
  • Captain Mason decides to turn Jack Hindman over to the Wiansani, since they are the only ones capable of saving his life. Taj sets his plan into motion. The Jem'Hadar escape from the holodeck and Taj traps Enoz, preparing to steal her unborn baby.
Stardate 52062.8 Story 93 by
  • Taj takes Enoz's unborn baby. Enoz is freed by security officer Martens and manages to get her baby back, but Taj escapes. The Equinox crew manages to defeat the Jem'Hadar, but an attack by several Goulavar ships results in the destruction of the saucer section. Now in the drive section only, the crew continues back to Federation space.
Story 94 by
  • Reman manages to save his latinum as the saucer section is being evacuated. He's later forced to share temporary quarters with Ms. Selmon and Sasha Stroh.
Story 97 by
  • Etalom'Ori Taj is pursued by a Goulavar ship, but since he's not with the Federation, they offer to give him one of their ships in return for the Federation shuttle.
Stardate 52063.9 Story 95 by
  • Elea bumps her head while conducting repairs, and is sent to Engineering for a diagnostic. Syxx lets her leave without performing the diagnostic on her after she reveals how uncomfortable the invasive Equinox computer is.
Story 96 by
  • Sasha Stroh leaves his quarters for a while, and ends up bumping into Elea. Then...
Story 97 by
  • Sasha and Elea are captured by Etalom'Ori Taj, but Taj ends up dying in the process.
Stardate 52065.0 Story 97 by
  • Due to some quick thinking on the part of Sasha Stroh, he and Elea are rescued from the alien runabout.
Stardate 52067.1 Story 98 by
  • Enoz pays a visit to Beeg to talk about Pinx culture.