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Activities for July 1998-January 1999


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flower Kendra Johnson was installed as Worthy Advisor on July 19, the ceremony was beautiful, and a very nice reception was held after. Congratulations to Kendra and her officers. For the first time in a long while we have every station filled except Musician and Choir Director.

flower Our first stated meeting was held on July 20, we spent the time practicing our floor work. Thanks to so many girls attending.

flower On July 25, four girls and three adults boarded the bus bound for Supreme Assembly in St. Louis. Elizabeth Imig, Amanda Hyde, Lindsey Gideon, Alicia Wolford, Marcia Imig, Denise Hyde, and April Scott attended. It was a wonderful trip. A formal banquet was held on Sunday night, the room was so beautifully decorated thousands of white roses and carnations. Elizabeth was a clown at the "75th Birthday Party" on Monday night, along with two other girls from Nebraska. We did some sightseeing, some shopping, and a lot of eating. We met so many other "Rainbow Sisters" from around the world. It was lots of fun, and we are ready for Buffalo in 2000.

flower A stated meeting was held on August 3rd, everyone displayed all their swap goodies, Supreme gifts, pictures, and the video tape from Supreme.

flower Our stated meeting was held on August 17th. Great attendence.

flower On August 23, a reception was held for John Timmermeir, Grand Sentinel from Luna Chapter #169. Some of our girls helped serve. Thanks to Elizabeth Imig, Amanda Hyde, and Lindsey Gideon.

flower August 30, Elizabeth and Amanda attended the 4-H day at the Eastern Star Children's Home in Fremont. The kids there showed off their livestock and all the ribbons they won at the fair. We toured the houses (you wouldn't believe how clean). There was ice cream and a BBQ.

flower On September 14, we had our Rushee party. We all piled into Denise's and April's vans and drove through the Wildlife Safari Park, then went back to Godfather's for pizza. We had 4 rushees attend. We had a great afternoon. (Ask April about running out of gas!!).

flower September 19, was our 2nd Annual Spaghetti Dinner. We called it the "Rainbow Italian Ristorante". We had everything was set up like a real Italian restaurant with checkered tablecloths, drippy candles, Italian music--the works. We served relish trays, salads, spaghetti, garlic bread, ice creams and desert bars. All the girls acted as waitresses, Elizabeth was hostess. We had an Assembly display, and our Assembly room all set up. It was a wonderful evening. We would espcially like to thank Erv Imig, Willis Brown, and Dennis Uckert for doing the cooking, and Bonnie Uckert, Betty Gideon, Marcia Imig, Denise Hyde for doing all the salads and all the clean-up. (Especailly the dishes-no paper products were used.) A lso thanks to all those who donated supplies, food, and deserts. It was such a big success.

flower At our stated meeting on September 21, we balloted on and accepted two petitions brought in by Melissa Olson and Stephanie Baird. Wonderful attendence.

flower On October 4, we were to go to Vala's Pumpkin Patch with the Masons, Eastern Star, and Fremont home kids as a thank you for helping with the fireworks stand, but we were disappointed when the weather turned out so bad. Sorry.

flower On October 5th, Katrina Lumb and Sarah Payne were initiated into our Rainbow family. Congratulations girls!! Elizabeth gave the "rose lecture". Melissa Olson and Magan Lassiter were named as "big sisters" and presented the girls with their Rainbow Bibles. April gave the "cookie jar" speech-everyone groaned.

flower October 19 was a regular business meeting. Plans for Mini Grand were discussed.

flower Our first November meeting was on the 2nd. We balloted on 2 petitions brought in by Melissa Olson and Stephanie Baird. Good going girls, keep those petitions coming!! Initiation will be November 16. That makes 8 this year.

flower Mini Grand was held in Grand Island November 7&8. We had 15 girls and 4 adults, from our Assembly attend. Great turnout girls !!! We were honored to have the Grand Representative from Iowa to Nebraska as our Assembly's "special guest". She came with Magan Widel who is her counterpart. We had two days of fun, games, skits, and food. We all are such great dancer and choreographers!! We tried to solve a murder mystery. We found out that Katrina is our math wiz, and met a lot of new friends. Elizabeth did a wonderful job giving the devotional on Sunday morning. Everyone gave each other bear hugs. Alicia Wolford was selected as an Assistant Grand Outer Observer. It was a wonderful weekend !!!!

flower We had another initiation on November 16. We welcomed two new girls into our Assembly, Jessica Mitchell and Hannah Hansen-Davis. The girls did a wonderful job. Thanks to all who attended. That makes 8 so far this year. We are so proud of the excellent job our girls are doing!!!!

flower December 7 was a stated meeting, we used this night to work on our scrapbook for Grand Assembly next June, we had a lot of fun together.--NO DRESSES !!!!

flower On December 12, we had our Christmas and Cookie Baking Party, we baked cookies, and made "sand sculpture" cookie jars to sell at the Eastern Star meeting. We had a gift exchange and watched Christmas movies. Everyone had a great time together. Merry Christmas!!!!

flower December 17th we sold the "sand cookies" we made at the Christmas party, we sold all of our jars and could have sold more. Thanks to everyone who helped and also to those who bought our cookies.

flower On December 28, we held our last meeting for 1998, postponed from the 21st. We initiated Sierra Foley. Congratulations girls !! We had nine new girls join this year. This is the best year we've had in a long time.

flower Our January 4 meeting was canceled because of the dangerously cold wind chills -40. BRRRRRRRRRRRR !!!!!!!!

flower Election of Officers was held on January 18. Tara Lawson was elected Worhty Advisor, Sarah Wilson-Worthy Associate Advisor, Kelly Lucas-Charity, Lindsey Gideon-Hope, and Alicia Wolford-Faith. We also practiced for Installation. We hope to have a lot of visitors on Sunday. This has been a wonderful term, we have initiated nine girls, and we've had a lot of fun. Congratulations girls on a wonderful term!!!!!

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heart July 1998 Term Schedule
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rbfly Mindy Lucas' Page
rbfly Magan Wiedel's Page
rbfly Amanda Hyde's Page
rbfly Elizabeth Imig's Page
rbfly Kendra Johnson's Page
rbfly Tara Lawson's Page
rbfly Sarah Wilson's Page
rbfly Elizabeth and Amandas Page
rbfly Lindsey Gideon's Page
rbfly Alicia Wolford's Page

Pages Just for Fun

rbfly Cookie Jar Recipe Page
rbfly Rainbow Rick's Ranch and Adoption Center
rbfly Rainbow Rick's Holiday Adoption Center

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