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What is Rainbow ???

What is Rainbow and How Do I Join?

What is the International Order of the Rainbow for Girls?

The International Order of the Rainbow for Girls (IORG) is a youth group for girls between the ages of 11 and 20. Local groups (Assemblies) are sponsored by Masonic affiliations. Usually the sponsoring body is either a local Masonic Lodge, Order of the Eastern Star Chapter, or Order of the Amaranth Court. The girls learn about charity, hope, and service through their work and involvement with their annual local and Grand (state or country) service projects.

What Does Rainbow Teach ?

The Ritual for the International Order of the Rainbow for Girls is a book of ceremonies used primarily for the Opening, Closing and Initiation of a Rainbow Assembly. Members of the Order recite, from memory, the ceremonies contained in the Rainbow Ritual.

The Seven Colors of the Rainbow are represented by seven stations, strategically placed in the shape of a bow. Each station is represented by a color, and each color teaches one of the seven lessons of Rainbow. The stations and lessons of the Rainbow are as follows:


The first color station represents Love.
It emphasizes the importance of love of home and family.


The second color station represents Religion.
It emphasizes the importance of membership and active participation in the church of your choice.


The third color station represents Nature.
It emphasizes the importance of spending time in the out-of-doors.


The fourth color station represents Immortality.
It emphasizes that even though our body dies, our souls live on forever.


The fifth color station represents Fidelity.
It emphasizes the importance of loyalty to the Order and to the Rainbow Girl’s family and friends.


The sixth color station represents Patriotism.
It emphasizes the importance of respecting the laws of our country and its flag.


The seventh color station and represents Service.
Service is the foundation of Rainbow and emphasizes the importance of providing unselfish acts
of service to our home, community and sponsoring orders of Rainbow.

Who Are the Leaders ?

The leadership structure of Rainbow begins with the local Assembly and extends to the State and International Assemblies. Each local Assembly is made up of five line officers (Rainbow Girls who lead the Assembly under the direction of a Mother Advisor and Advisory Board) and thirteen appointed officers. The adult governing body of each Rainbow Assembly is known as the Advisory Board and is comprised of seven to fifteen adults from various Masonic organizations.

How Often Are The Meetings?

Most Rainbow Assemblies meet twice a month. In addition to the bi-monthly meetings at her local Assembly, she will have the opportunity to visit other statewide or International Rainbow Assemblies, where she will meet other girls her own age who are members of the same organization.

Who Can Attend a Rainbow Meeting?

Rainbow Members in good standing, as well as any Mason, Eastern Star or Amaranth in good standing, any Majority member of Rainbow, and any parent, grandparent or legal guardian of an active Rainbow Girl is eligible to attend a meeting of the International Order of the Rainbow for Girls.

Other Rainbow Information
Supreme Assembly
Nebraska Grand Assembly

To get more information about The International Order of Rainbow for Girls or
for the Assembly closest to you, go to the Supreme Assembly Page.

Other Pages About Us

Home Page
Officers and Advisory Board July 1999
Officers and Advisory Board January 1999
Officers and Advisory Board July 1998
Our Grand Family 2000-2001
Our Grand Family 1999-2000
Our Grand Family 1998-1999
Schedule and Activities for January 1999-July 1999
July 1998 Term Schedule
Membership Information
History of the International Order of Rainbow for Girls
Links to Rainbow Assemblies Around the World
Links to Job's Daughter's Sites
Links to DeMolay Sites
Links to Eastern Star Sites

Worthy Advisor's Pages
Sarah Manus' Term
Alicia Wolford's Page
Lindsey Gideon's Page
Elizabeth and Amanda's Page
Sarah Wilson's Page
Tara Lawson's Page
Kendra Johnson's Page
Elizabeth Imig's Page
Amanda Hyde's Page
Magan Wiedel's Page
Mindy Lucas' Page
Katie Chadwell's Page

Pages Just for Fun
Cookie Jar Recipe Page
Rainbow Rick's Ranch and Adoption Center
Rainbow Rick's Holiday Adoption Center
Spaghetti Dinner 2008 Photo Album

adopt a bear from Rainbow Rick's

The song you are hearing is "Somewhere Over the Rainbow"

Sign My Guestbook View My Guestbook

Visit our holiday pages

Halloween 1998/ Thanksgiving 1998/ Christmas 1998/ Christmas 1998 page2/ Christmas 1998 page3/
New Year 99/ Valentine's Day 1999/ St Patrick's Day 1999/ Easter Fun 1999/ Easter page 2/
Mother's Day 1999/ Father's Day 1999/ Fourth of July 1999/ Halloween 1999/ Thanksgiving 1999/
New Year 2000/ Valentine's Day 2000/ Halloween 2007/ Thanksgiving 2007/ Christmas2007/
New Year 2008/ Valentine's Day 2008/ President's Day 2008/ St Patrick's Day 2008/
Easter 2008/ Mother's Day 2008/ Memorial Day 2008/ Flag Day 2008/ Father's Day 2008/
Halloween 2008/ Veterans Day 2008/ Thanksgiving 2008/
Christmas 2008 Advent Calendar/ New Year's 2009/ Valentine's Day 2009/
St Patrick's Day 2009/

Visit Luna Chapter 169

Luna Chapter Pages
All About Us
Luna Chapter Home Page
Luna Chapter News 2008
Luna Chapter 2009 Schedule
Tribute to Our 50 Year Members
Past Matrons and Past Patrons
Recipes of the Stars Cookbook

Past Matrons - Past Patron Terms
Marcia Imig and Ervin Imig 2009 // Pictures in the Garden
Sue Hedges and Ervin Imig 2008  //   Traditions in Photos
Amanda Hyde Kloke - Ervin Imig 2007
Elizabeth Imig - Ervin Imig 2006   //   "Fun on the Beach" 2006 Photo Album
Sharron Gilson - Allan Rolfs 2005  //   2005 Memories Around the Chapter
April Scott - Robert Attebery 2004  //   Ark Photo Gallery 2004
Sue Hedges - Allan Rolfs //

Our Worthy Grand Patron
Robert Attebery, Worthy Grand Patron 2001-2002

Email: luna169oes(remove)

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