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11. The Places Of St.Ioasaf
St.Ioasaf St.Ioasaf

This trip begins from visiting the Spiritual-Educational centre of St.Ioasaf and includes the main sacred things, cathedrals, churches and other places connected with the name of St.Ioasaf of Belgorod.
12. The Village Of Kupino In The Shebekino region
Children Folk Educational Centre Children Folk Educational Centre
Peasant farm Peasant farm

We invite you to visit the Children Folk Educational Centre and the Folk Art Museum in the village of Kupino. This museum exists from 1986. 12 halls of the museums are dedicated to the history, nature, archeology and ethnography of the Belgorod land, the Great Patriotic War, folk arts, old children toys and others.

Also you can visit a peasant farm of the XIXth century, take photos, be photographed in Russian folk clothes and even armours of Russia knights and of course have dine in the old Russia style.
13. Russian Poet And Decembrist V.F.Raevsky's Homeland
V.F.Raevsky V.F.Raevsky
The House of Raevsky The House of Raevsky

The Belgorod land is a native land of many prominets Russian people. And one of them is Vladimir Fedoseevich Raevsky, a participart of the campaign of 1812, poet and decembrist, a friend of famous Russian poet Alexander Pushkin.

In the village of Bogoslovka of the Gubkin region you will visit the house-museum of Vladimir Raevsky, see many things belonged to V.Raevsky and also have a walk along the shady path under lime-trees where the poet liked to walk.
14. The Homeland Of Great Russian Actor M.S. Schepkin
M.S. Schepkin M.S. Schepkin

Great Russian Actor Schepkin was born in the village of Krasnoe (now it's Alexeevka in the Yakovlevo region). Speaking about Schepkin in the art of theatre he was the same as Pushkin in poetry and Glinka in music.

You will know about childhood and youth of the actor, the beginning of his career in a provincial theatre, and about his masterpieces in Moscow and also you'll visit a peasant farm of the XIXth century.
15. The Town Of Gubkin - The Third Magnetic Pole Of The Earth
Gubkin quarry Gubkin quarry

The Belgorod land is rich in iron ore, it's a part of so-called Kursk Magnetic Anomaly Zone where a compass arrow always feels very uneasy not knowing where to point.

In this excursion the tourists will visit the town of Gubkin and the biggest quarry where the iron ore is extracted by open method.
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