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Well...I've been adding some stuff in my homepage for some time now =) I know it's hard to go all over the site again to look for the new stuff so I made this page..

As of June 01, 2000.....

The Photo Gallery is finished!!! Studio Pics, Family Pics, Sophomore D Pics and "Ian" Pics are now available for viewing!! THREE new links have been added too...the Praise N Worship Pics, Retreat Pics...and School Pics ...And the Swimming Pics will be up as soon as I get the pictures...

4 new items are added in the Poetry and Stuff section!! ..these items are....What tree did u fall from?, Sumthing to think about..., Interesting Test and finally, Island of Feelings.

As of June 11, 2000......

I have recently gotten an award (YIPEE!!) and you can view it at the Awards Page.

Also...the link Faves is now finally up after almost half a year =)....

As of July 28,2000........

I revised some of the stuff in my profiles. I also added the link Random thoughts in the poetry section....this section is uh like a sort-of journal, diary..whatever...

As of August 25,2000........

In the poetry section...I removed the tests in there and transferred it to the section called "Know Yourself" in the index page. I haven't added pictures coz there's something wrong with my scanner..pls. wait patiently!! What else.... I have a new poem entitled "Could this? Can I? Would you? Will I? sounds weird but please check it out. I also got something from email that I think all of you ill enjoy.. Listen to Love!

And to all of you Filipinos..please take time to read these ----> FILIPINOS : Be PROUD! and To all of you Filipinos.... Then there's...the Letter for YOU and The Man who had no face...

As of September 05, 2000......

I added a new poem made by my friend Jabi Rodriguez entitled The way it's gonna be. It's a very touching poem so please take time to read it.

As of November 22, 2000.......

I revised the Know me and be WacKy! page...kinda...hehehe... also..hmmm....i fixed some stuff but besides all these....i really didn't update much!!! SOON!!!

As of December 09, 2000.......

I put in new cursors from They're really great and cute! üü Hmm..what else.. maybe by next next week new poems will be here coz i'll have more time to update this page coz its gonna be my Christmas break already. Oh, I almost forgot to mention, there's a new page here.. it's the News Page. In this page, you will find current news....There's also a new poem from my friends, James Bernard Rodriguez (Jabi) and Vanessa Gomez (Vannie) entitled Entangled Hearts...check it out!

As of January 27,2001......

Made some minor revisions. Not that significant actually...:P...Also added an entry in the Random Thoughts section of my site...

As of March 18, 2001.......

I added some animations to some of the pages.. Also, I posted some new pictures.. It's in the gallery under Bacolod Pics. I also added a new..umm...story? It's not really a story...well whatever..just check it out..its entitled Guy and Girl. What a very unoriginal title right? hehee...

As of April 11, 2001......

Seems like I lost the pictures when we went swimming last summer. I have recovered only 4 pictures and it's already posted in the Swimming Pics in the Photo Gallery.

As of June 05, 2001.......

Added 2 new stories, Love Lost?! and The story and the Situations. I have already uploaded the pics and i'm just fixing the'll be up in a few days. :) Oh and i changed my pic to a recent pic :) hehehe...Please keep coming back!! :) Thanks!! As of June 07, 2001........

Added new solo pics!! There's...hmm..i think 3 or 4 new pages...there....if you already went there and wondering where the new pics are...they're in the last pages of the area.. :) ....i finished scanning the pics already so they'll be here within a week. Keep coming back!!!

As of June 09, 2001.........

New pics in Bacolod Pics. That section has 6 new pages in it..if u want to see the new pics they're at page 5 onwards. :) :) More to come in the next few days!!! :)

As of October 15, 2002.........

Sorry no new pictures...Got a problem with my scanner. But i edited some stuff (text) around the site...Maybe in the next few weeks i'll be adding some pictures and/or poems, etc. :)

As of October 26, 2002.........

Added the link to my live journal. It will be replacing the random thoughts page in the poetry section. However, random thoughts is still there.

That's it for now...come back soon!! Please don't forget to sign my guestbook!! If you want me to add your poems or can email it to me at =)

Take Me HoMe...