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BSA Troop
Yaphank, NY
50 years of Being Prepared!

troop 79 blue neckerchief with yellow writing and scout fluer-de-le over 50 symbol. Text- troop 79, Yaphank, NY 50 years of being prepared!

Troop 79 News, Camp-out and Events Page

Meeting News Troop Committee Meeting Upcoming Events Other Announcements Archives

To stay in touch with the latest news on the troop click here to subscribe to BSATroop79 Yahoo Group.

Meeting News

We have completed the regualrly scheduled scout meetings for this year. However in June or July we will be scheduling a Annual Planning Conference. The next regular troop meeting will be held in September at the Charles E. Walters Elementary School main building in downtown Yaphank from 7:30 to 9:00.

Questions about an upcoming meeting? Or do you want to pass along information --E-mail the adult leaders In general to find out the details of any meeting that your son misses he should contact his patrol leader and/or senior patrol leader.

Troop Committee Meetings

The troop committee meets roughly monthly and is made up any interested parent or guardian and also can contain any member of a community organization. The Yaphank Fire Department also has a seat on the board by virtue of being our chartered organization. The committee electes the adult troop officers for the and also takes up matters of troop business such as the finances of the troop. It also considers proposals of the patrol leaders council. Some issues being discussed this year include the matter of obtaining a troop trailer and the process of raising the funds for one. During their April and May 2004 meetings they discussed plans to re-organize the troop for the coming scout year and how to organize the annual planning conference.

Speak to the troop committee chairperson, Gene Maier to find about upcoming activities of the troop committee.

Upcoming Events

Most troop events require a permission slip before your son may attend. Click here for a standard troop 79 permission slip if you have lost or have otherwise not received the one for this event. The troop proposed troop bylaws require a slip to be returned wheather your son/s are attending or not.

  • Pack 79 Crossing Over the Bridge Ceremony

    From Friday June 11 through Sunday June 13th the troop will be camping with Pack 79 at Cathedral Pines and will be conducting the bridging ceremony for the pack 79 second year weblo's scouts. Meet at Cathedral Pines after 5pm on the 11th.

  • Summer Camp

    Summer Camp is planned this year to again be at Camp Sequassen during the third week in July. Look here for more details in the future.

    Other Announcements

    The troop treasurer recently announced the dues for this year. Dues are 35.00 per scout. You can make installments up until the meeting of March 16th then the balance will have to be paid in full. Please write checks payable to BSA Troop 79 and indicate that the check is for dues, or of course you may pay in cash.

    Troop 79 Archives: Highlights of recent troop events

    1. Troop 79 Does Well at the Fall Camporee at Smith Estate

      At the recent fall camporee held at the Smith Estate on October 10th and 11th troop 79 did very well. In addition to the opportunity for our new scouts to camp for the first time with the troop it also allowed an opportunity for the general public to see the local scout district and our troop in action. The favorite event of all the scouts was the Catapult competion. Despite the fact that our catapults broke after the first pumpkin shot and we were only able to get off 2 of the 4 shots allowed; the troop won 2nd place for the most accurate shot and the district also awarded us 2nd Place for best enginering design. We received very handsome trophies for these achievements. In addition the troop won first place in the the dutch oven cooking competion for their Franks and Beans based meal.

      In summary, at the Fall Camporee for 2003 the troop won:

      1. one overall first place
      2. and two overall 2nd places.
      An excellent job!

    2. BSA Troop 79 of Yaphank, NY wins Super Troop Award at the Connecticut Yankee Councils Camp Sequassen in CT.

      During week 4 (July 21st-26th 2003) at Camp Sequassen, Troop 79 was picked by the camp staff as the best in camp over 16 troops (all the others were from Conn.).

      In additon to the super troop award the troop also:

      • earned honor troop
      • placed third in the camps Land & Sea olympics style competion
      • reached the semi-finals of the camps fire-hose competion.
      • Troop 79 also won the camps "spirt stick" during the week which is awarded on a daily basis to the troop with the most spirit and each scout earned an average of three merit badges each during the week.

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    Page last updated: Thursday June 10th 2004.

    Questions? E-mail the webmaster.

    Disclaimer: The Boy Scouts of America, The Webmasters of Troop 79, Troop 79, or any of it's members and affiliates are not responsible in any way for the content of any page linked to our site, including, but not limited to other B.S.A. troops' websites. This is not an official website of the Boy Scouts of America, but rather is maintained by volunteers for the benefit of scouts and scouters of the B.S.A. This disclaimer includes ALL of Troop 79's webpages.

    Unique content including the Troop 79 neckerchief design © BSA Troop 79 of Yaphank, NY September 2003.