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BSA Troop
Yaphank, NY
50 years of Being Prepared!

troop 79 blue neckerchief with yellow writing and scout fluer-de-le over 50 symbol. Text- troop 79, Yaphank, NY 50 years of being prepared!

BSA Troop 79 of Yaphank, NY
Troop History Page

Basic History Historical Charts More Information?

The Basic History

Founded in September of 1950, Troop 79 is roughly one of the fourty oldest troops in Suffolk County. When we joined Suffolk County Council there were only 92 troops and more then half have since disbanded . Today there are at least 400 troops in the council, so this puts us in the top 10% in terms of longevity. As are most troops, troop 79 was formed to serve as the boy scout troop for pack 79 graduates. Pack 79 was formed a few months earlier. The troops first Scoutmaster was Frederick Seufert Jr, and its first Eagle Scout was Peter Schlaf.

The troop almost folded in the late 70's soon after it was rechartered by the Yaphank Fire Department. The 70's where a time of decreased membership by the BSA and many troops almost folded during this time. The worst year appears to have been 1978. The smallest number of boys ever on the rooster was about 4-8 in the late 70's and early 80's. The most? Somewhere between 1983-1986 we had an average of about 50-65 boys on the rooster.

Charts of Troop 79 History

The following are some charts of 79's history. We have a special page set aside to honor our Eagle Scouts. Hopefully your son will get to add his name to our list of Eagle Scouts, and will be honored by future generations of Troop 79.

Chartered Organizations of Troop 79 Yaphank, NY

Yaphank Neighborhood Civic and Social League 1950-1964
Yaphank Chamber of Commerce 1965-1975
Yaphank Fire Department 1975-present

Scoutmasters of Troop 79

Scoutmaster Badge
"First there is your scoutmaster He spends hours planning the fun and adventures you will have in your troop. He takes training to learn exciting new things for you to do. He is present at every troop meeting and goes hiking and camping with the troop. He is a friend to whom you can alwaqys turn to for advice. He coaches the patrol leaders. He gives his time and effort without pay. Why does he do all of this? Beacause he believes in scouting, because he likes boys and wants to help them become real men".
Boy Scout Handbook, 9th ed page 20-21.

  1. Frederick Seufert Jr.--1950
  2. Harry W. Wisnoski --1950-51
  3. Herbert Faust --1951-11/1/60 According to a note on Charter, Faust took over the troop after Wisnoski moved.
  4. Donald W. Gardner --1960-68
  5. James W. Longtin --1968-1969
  6. Harlan Thomas --1969-1971 The 1971 charter is missing so 1971 was Mr. Thomas's last year or Mr. Magee's first.
  7. Joel Magee --1971(?)-1977 There is no 1974 charter on record with council.
  8. Jack Zito --1978-1979
  9. John T. Gross --1979-1980
  10. John Nicolellis --1980-1984
  11. Thomas J. Arrigo --1984-2004
  12. Andrew Drepanis present

uncle sam recruitng for scouts in a scout uniform.

Troop 79 Summer Camps

2003--Camp Sequassen (Royalwood Site)
2001-2002-- Baiting Hollow Scout Camp
Baden Powell Site
2000-- Treasure Island Scout Reservation
1998-1999--Baiting Hollow Scout Camp
Baden Powell Site
1997--Resica Falls Scout Reservation
Big Springs Site
1996--Nobebosco Scout Camp
1991-1995 Baiting Hollow Scout Reservation
(Baden Powell Site)
1990--Yawgoog Scout Reservation
Camp Sandy Beach
1983-1989 Baiting Hollow Scout Camp
Owasco Site(2 weeks 86)
1981-1983--Baiting Hollow Scout Camp
Unknown ofr sure probrably Adirondack or Owasco (same general area)
According to Troop 79's first Eagle Scout,Peter Schlaf the troop camped at Baiting Hollow at Asharoken and/or the lean-to's at Adirondack at Baiting Hollow.
According to Schlaf the troop did not attend summer camp this year because they were busy re-organizing.
If troop attended camp we can safely assume that it was either at Camp Wilderness (now Cathedral Pines)or Camp Baiting Hollow. The present Theodore Roosevelt Council operated a summer camp at Camp Schiff during this time that was closer then Baiting Hollow so it is possible the troop attended some summer camps there. If anyone has proof or knowledge of where the troop camped during this time we would appreciate you e-mailing the webmasterwith this information so we can update our troop history.
Unknown --It seems that based on some Ten Mile River patches that scoutmaster Faust's family gave to the webmaster's father that Faust took the troop to Ten Mile River Scout Reservation for summer camp sometime during this period.Most years the troop may have attended Baiting Hollow or another local camp, if they attended summer camp at all.

Troop Neckerchief

troop 79 blue neckerchief with yellow writing and scout fluer-de-le over 50 symbol. Text- troop 79, Yaphank, NY 50 years of being prepared!

The present standard troop 79 neckerchief was designed by Senior Patrol Leader Robert Allen in 2001 to commerate the troops 50th anniversary. The neckerchief used up untill that time was the standard BSA red and white neckerchief.We also have a very fancy 50th anniversary neckerchief that we give to our Eagle Scouts and certain others as per a vote of the patrol leaders council and troop committee. Click here to see this alternate neckerchief.

Interested in more information?

For information on the history of Boy Scouts and scouting in general visit the links at our troop BSA History links page.

For the history of Yaphank , which happens to be a very historic town for LI. You can visit either of the following 2 links:

  1. Longwood's Journey which is a historical website on all of the local towns, put together by the children of the Longwood Central School District, or school districts,or
  2. The Yaphank Historical Society website.

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Page Last updated: Saturday September 18th 2004

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Disclaimer: The Boy Scouts of America, The Webmasters of Troop 79, Troop 79, or any of it's members and affiliates are not responsible in any way for the content of any page linked to our site, including, but not limited to other B.S.A. troops' websites. This is not an official website of the
Boy Scouts of America, but rather is maintained by volunteers for the benefit of scouts and scouters of the B.S.A. This disclaimer includes ALL of Troop 79's webpages.

Unique contents including the design of the BSA Troop 79 neckerchief © BSA Troop 79 of Yaphank, NY September 2003