BSA Troop
Yaphank, NY
50 years of Being Prepared!
2/12/11/2010 -- This page is no longer maintained and the webmaster no longer is active with the troop but it is keptup for historical purposes. Also, the hosting is free, so why not? The webmaster is one of the Troops Eagle Scouts. The list of Eagle Scouts is current as of 2/12/2011. The troops current website is:
This site was started at least the first version of this about 1998 and was maintained sporadically until late 2006. Which means it was one of the first scouting sites online and it was all cold coded. Which means it is all written in the oldsxt version of HTML. 3.0 if I remember correctly. I have no clue how to write the newer stuff. Style sheets stump me. Also, many lexternal inks may not work.
Mr. Sandy Ray Smith, former Asst Scoutmaster BSA Troop 79 Yaphank, NY and an Eagle Scout of the Troop. Linked-in page E-mail.
Meetings | Contents | Useful Scoutings Links |
Thank you for visiting the webpage of Boy Scouts of America Troop 79 of Yaphank, NY. First chartered in September of 1950 by the Yaphank Civic and Social League and since 1975 by the Yaphank Fire Department; Troop 79 is part of the Suffolk County Council.
For more information about the our troop including information about our activities, leadership, advancement and joining click here.
Troop 79 is well known for community service, high adventure and troop spirit! Winning honor troop at summer camp and first place at camporees are common events. Our present rooster includes about 22 boys divided into the Kangaroo and Dragon Patrols and a leadership corps.
Meetings are held most Tuesday night during the school year at Charles E. Walters Elementary School in downtown Yaphank from 7:00 P.M to 8:30. Click here for info on the next scheduled troop meeting.
last updated 07/03/04 |
last updated 06/10/04 |
last updated 02/19/04 |
last updated 10/29/03 |
> 2/28/2010 - This was never offical but I've enabled the link for reference. |
What would you like to see in the Guidebook? What do you want to know about scouting or the troop that you don't know? E-mail the webmaster with your suggestions and questions and he will endeavour to include and answer them.
last updated 07/03/04 |
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Page last updated Saturday Feb 12 2011. Questions? E-mail the webmaster.
Disclaimer: This no longer the current BSA Troop 79 webpage. For that please see: The The Webmasters of Troop 79, Troop 79, or any of it's members and affiliates are not responsible in any way for the content of any page linked to our site, including, but not limited to other B.S.A. troops' websites. This is not an official website of the Boy Scouts of America, or Troop 79 but rather is maintained by a former volunteervolunteers for the benefit of scouts and scouters of the B.S.A. This disclaimer applies to all portions of this site. Dated: 2/12/2011
Unique content including the troop 79 neckerchief design © BSA Troop 79 of Yaphank, NY September 2003. All rights reserved.