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A Change In The Wind (BSB) - AJ has always had the world at his feet, but after an accident his entire world changes but does it change for the better?

Learning To Trust Again (BSB) - He never thought it could happen to him, But when it does, will he ever learn to trust again or will he always be afraid of his friends. Or will something happen that makes him learn that he needs to learn to trust.

Let Me Mend Your Heart (BSB) - Mary and Vicki had been online friends and they moved in together. When they got the chance to meet and date two members of Backstreet Boys what happens when Nick show's Vicki that love is life’s greatest gift.

Life’s Greatest Gift (BSB) - Mary and Vicki had been online friends and they moved in together. When they got the chance to meet and date two members of Backstreet Boys what happens when Nick show's Vicki that love is life’s greatest gift.

Lost Without You (BSB) - Marissa and Morgan McLean where AJ's sister. Marissa was AJ's twin what happens when AJ finds that living with them is hard but he and his friends are lost without them.

Shadows Of The Past (BSB) - Catherine Richardson and Morgan Carter were friends. When they are suddenly reunited with their family after the years of being missing, Will they be able to keep their past just where it is in the past or will the shadows come out to haunt them.

Stolen Identity (BSB) - Kevin is kidnapped and replaced by another, will the others find out before it's too late

The Love Of A Child (BSB) - She has always hidden the child from him. But when that child becomes ill, can she face the one man that she hasn’t spoke to in six years and will AJ accept the fact that he has a child and learn to love her before it's to late.

Updated 07.18.04

Email - Vicki