International Outreach Community Service Program


Objective:  Educate GFWC/OFWC Members and Communities about the importance of International relationships and global topics of all age groups. Motivate club members and their communities to take actions promoting positive International relations and enable our members to become better world citizens through advocacy, education and action.



Ideas:  Take part in or start an International Sister City Program, take part in International festivals, celebrations and parades, invite foreign visitors and non-citizen residents to attend club meetings as guests or as speakers to inform members about their countries; plan a meeting around International foods or a country of your choice sharing trivia or facts about that country and serving foods of that country.  


             Sponsor or host Youth Exchange Students to help meet their needs while in the U.S.A.

             or sponsor U.S.A. students who wish to travel to other countries.      


            Have programs by members about their International travels or about their ethnic                backgrounds. Promote legislation in support of human rights around the world. Promote             programs to ensure women and children all over the world have access to health,             education, equality and protection.    


            Observe the International Day of Peace, also known as World Peace Day, which occurs              annually on September 21.  Ask local officials for proclamations which call for ringing             of church bells, school bells, and all other bells in the community in an effort to join with             the 10 A.M. ringing of the PEACE BELL at the United Nations.      


            Observe World Food Day which occurs annually on October 16, in an effort to make all             aware of world hunger. Support or establish a local food bank.  Some suggestions would             be to work at a local soup kitchen, make food or hold a local canned good drive to             donate to your local food bank.     


            Participate in GFWC Partnership programs.







GFWC challenges each member to educate yourself and strives to enable members to become better World Citizens.  The GFWC Partners are the organizations listed with whom GFWC has established a formal relationship and mutual understanding.  To ensure that donations to GFWC partner organizations at the individual, club, district, or state level are reflected toward GFWC's collective impact, make sure to write GFWC in the memo line on your donation check.






CONTACT: Pam Moore   P: (800)-422-1311, ext. 2882


   For over 65 years, Heifer International has given livestock, agricultural products and training to help      families  in 125 countries gain sustainable food and income sources.

  GFWC members can help Heifer International by participating in the following programs:

·    Fund a project and help a community struggling with the basic necessities of food, income and education

    build a better life.


      ·    WORLD Food Day is celebrated on October 16th each year and is part of a universal program to make              everyone aware of world hunger.  Have members bring non-perishable food items to their meeting and             distribute to a Senior Center or local food bank.  Raise funds by hosting a hot dog/corn roast and donate             money to the Heifer project for the purchase of a goat or pig.  A gift of a pig or goat is $120 or a share is             $10.

      ·     Heifers for the Holidays: Raise $500 and purchase a cow for a community. Milk is provided and can earn                  money  for a community.  A share of this Heifer purchase is $50.

      ·     At Easter sell chocolate chicks and rabbits and purchase a low-cost, high yield gift that can help a family                 increase protein intake and income.  A trio of rabbits is $60 or a flock of chickens is $20.

      ·     Collect seeds of friendship for women to raise a garden & sell their produce.  Contact Margie Williams                at (614) 488-7755 or E:  

       ·    Use Heifer's educational resources to engage schools in your community to lend a hand and make the world             a better place.

       ·    These educational materials include lesson plans, video documentaries, stories and ideas for activities for             all ages.  


 Send All Contributions to:  Heifer International, 1 World Avenue, Little Rock, AR 72202 







CONTACT: Bonnie Keuhne, Community Relationships - E:  or P: (757)-321-3208

      This is an International medical organization providing volunteer missions to repair cleft lip and cleft palate       surgeries for children. 


·     Sew smile dolls, hospital gowns, blankets and children's NO-NO armbands.  Information & patterns for

      these simple straight-stitch projects can be requested through Bonnie Keuhne.  See email above.  

       ·      Raise funds to support Operation Smile's programs to give a child a new smile and hope for better future.

             $240 pays for 1 child's surgery. Ideas include: A girls night out and show a movie at a member's home

             with  a $5 donation entrance fee, or a wine and cheese party, or a "progressive dinner" and donate the

             proceeds to Operation Smile. Have a bake sale or garage sale and donate the proceeds to Operation  Smile.

             Have a baby shower and collect diapers, gowns and blankets.      

        ·    Order the Operation Smile GFWC Information Packet.  Needed items and supplies members could collect  

             for Operation Smile can be found listed here.                    

        ·    Universal Children's Day is in November and this is a great month to give thanks to a child who needs

              GFWC's help.




 CONTACT: Christie Albrecht - E:    P: (202) 887-9040


 Shot@Life, a United Nations Foundation's campaign, seeks to educate, connect and empower Americans  to champion vaccines in order to save children in developing countries.  Every 20 seconds a child dies from the lack of a vaccine-preventable disease.


·      Planning advocacy and awareness events around key dates such as World Polio Day (October 24th) and

      World Pneumonia Day (November 12th).

       ·     Sending letters to your Congress in support of funding global vaccines.  Our local League of Women

             Voters maybe a help in this area.  A list of Congressman can be obtained at the Board of Elections in your  


       ·     Signing the Shot@Life Pledge and adding your voice to the movement of people committed to reducing                childhood deaths around the world.

        ·     Donate funds to send life-saving vaccines to children in developing countries.

        ·      Follow Shot@Life on Face book (Shot@Life) and Twitter (at ShotAtLife) to get the most up to date

               campaign information.


            Send all checks to Maggie Carter, Partnership Officer, Shot@Life, 800 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Suite  

            400, Washington, DC 20036




CONTACT: Lacy Stone, Office of Strategic Partnerships - E: or P: (206) 538-6606 or C:  (215)207-7829


 GFWC has partnered with UNICEF for over 60 years to give the world's children access to health care, education, and equality. GFWC clubs are invited to support the following UNICEF programs:  

          ·     UNICEF's Healthy Village Project works with villages in the Democratic Republic of the Congo to                 support efforts to build and maintain basic systems to provide clean water, a simple latrine for every                 home and insecticide treated mosquito nets in each home.  It costs $5000 to support a village.  All                 donations will go towards GFWC's collective efforts.  Contact Lacy Stone for more information.      


   ·    Ideas:  Sell water at events for $1 each and try to raise awareness as you sell.  Get the local Key Clubs to

        help in a WATER WALK around their school track.  Charge $1 for the walk and sell water and lemonade

        for thirsty walkers to drink.  Contact a local restaurant to see if they will donate $$$ for all water sold in

        the establishment for 1 month.  Have a bucket race selling buckets filled with water. Sell tickets to

        viewers and present winners with a case of water.  This can be fun if you do a potato sack race, balance a

        small bucket on your head, do the 3 legged race or a maze.

         ·     Trick-for-UNICEF is a long standing project in which school children across the country collect money

                to help children of the world survive and grow. Order boxes at

          ·     Order lesson plans and activities designed to educate young people and share with schools,  

                etc. at

     ·     Host a Trick-or-Treat party and have guests make a donation to the little orange boxes.  Have a pumpkin

         carving contest if you can get pumpkins donated.  Sell for $$$ and give winners ribbons (blue, red,

         yellow).  Send checks to: Lacy Stone, Officer, Officer of Strategic Partnerships, 125 Maiden Lane, New

         York, NY 10038       


GFWC Awards:  For outstanding programs in International Outreach

Certificates to one State Federation in each membership category for partnership projects.

Certificates to one State Federation in each membership category for program projects.

$50 award to one club in the nation for a partnership project.

$50 award to one club in the nation for a program project.