“Cherish Yesterday, Dream Tomorrow, Live Today”



Objective:  Educate and inspire GFWC members, potential members and the general public about the historical role of women volunteers.



Action Plans:



  Clubs should appoint a WHRC chairman or a committee.


  WHRC chairman/committee should utilize the tools available thru the Women‘s History and

   Resource Center of the General Federation of Women‘s Clubs to develop a program that can

   be presented to the club members, potential members and the general public.


  Report your WHRC program activities to GFWC and the Ohio Federation.


  WHRC chairman/committee should update the club history every two years and inform

   WHRC of the location of your club records.


  Clubs and members are encouraged to join the Friends of WHRC.


  Participate in the Clubwoman Essay Contest “ A Woman Who Has Inspired Me”



   Certificates will be presented to all clubs who report WHRC program activities via the







  GFWC, Club Manual Women’s History and Resource Center Program pages.


  Rising the Light to Higher Things: Highlights from the GFWC Collections


  GFWC Women’s History and Resource Center Brochure


  News and Notes – weekly emails from GFWC


  GFWC Virtual Exhibits


   WHRC Online Catalog