Young Women Making A Difference In Their Communities




State Goal:  To form and federate new Juniorette Clubs: "You Can Do It, We Can Help."  During this administration we need to increase membership by Federating
three (3) new Juniorette Clubs. 


The 2014-2016 administration encourages GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women’s Clubs club


women to establish, sponsor and advise a Juniorette Club in their district. Bringing young


women together through volunteer efforts, community service projects and leadership will instill


a thorough understanding of GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women’s Clubs and its structure.


Juniorettes are young women, ages 12 to18, working together to meet the needs of their


communities through volunteer service projects. For over 30 years, GFWC/Ohio Federation of


Women’s Clubs Juniorettes have learned leadership skills by using their ideas through projects


that have benefited children, families and communities.


Juniorette Clubs promote volunteerism and Federation leadership development. To recognize


achievement and encourage club participation in reporting, the following Juniorette Awards


 are given annually.



* Juniorette of the Year: The Juniorette Club will nominate the successful candidate for this


award. An application for this award is in the OFWC Forms section of this Club Manual.


* Inter-federated Activity Award: This award is for any joint project involving a Juniorette


Club and either a Junior Women’s Club or a General Women’s Club.


* Pacemaker Award: This award is presented to the best overall Juniorette Club and is based


upon the reporting pages submitted by February 1, 2015 and 2016.


* Juniorette Advisor of the Year Award: The sponsoring Junior or General Club will


nominate the candidate for this award. If your club wishes to sponsor a candidate, send an essay


of  200 words or less explaining the reason for the nomination to the Juniorette Chairman,


Debbie Weaver.




* Juniorette Clubs are encouraged to participate in the GFWC Jr. Special Project “Advocates


for Children” with emphasis on the Ohio focus on Overexposure to the sun, Internet Safety,


Child ID Fingerprinting, and prevention of skin and other cancers in children.




* Juniorette clubs are also encouraged to participate in the GFWC Ohio President's Special


Project Canine Companions/Wounded Warrior Initiative.  They are also strongly encouraged to


participate in the GFWC Ohio Junior Director's Special Project, "A Thyme to Plant, A Time to




 * Juniorette clubs are encouraged to participate in the OFWC Special Junior Project, "Adoption


 and Foster Care", and "Be a Friend to the Elderly".


* Juniorette Clubs are encouraged to participate in the OFWC Juniorette Special Projects,


"H. E.R.O.'S. Against Bullying".





* Contact State Chairman, Debbie Weaver at the number listed in this OFWC Club Directory.


* Visit the OFWC website for further informationwww.gfwcohio.org


* Order the new Juniorette Handbook “Everything You Need to Know to Start a GFWC


Juniorette Club” from the GFWC Membership Materials Center for information regarding


sponsoring a Juniorette Club.


* Visit local schools for potential Juniorette Club members.


* The sponsoring club should designate an advisor or advisory committee from its


membership to attend Juniorette meetings and functions. The advisor, or advisory committee,


also serves as liaison for the club. The purpose of the advisor, or advisory committee, is to guide


the Juniorettes as they learn to govern themselves independently. The young women will receive


guidance in Federation programs and projects, and they will also develop leadership skills by


planning and organizing activities. Inviting them to attend the sponsoring club’s meetings


facilitates the mentoring process and informs by example.






Chairman: Debbie Weaver




          H= Help with the ones who are bullied.

          E= Empathize, identify with the persons who are bullied.

          R= Respond with proper action and report the incident.

          O= Open communication with the victim and be a friend.



·       Almost 30% of American youth are estimated to be involved in bullying, as either a bully, a target of bullying, or both. -National Youth Violence Prevention Resource


·       160,000children miss school every day out of fear of being bullied.


·       Research indicates that as many as 75% of teens have been bullied online, but  only one in 10 have reported the problem to parents or other adults.


·       Teen boys, in particular, who bully are more likely to engage in other antisocial/delinquent behavior, such as vandalism, shoplifting, and drug use in adulthood. They are four times more likely to be convicted of crimes by age 24, with 60% of bullies having at least one criminal conviction.


·       Researchers have found that years later, long after bullying has stopped, adults who were bullied as teens have higher levels of depression and poorer self-esteem than other adults.





GFWC/OFWC Juniorettes will set an example to other teens in their schools and community by taking a stand against bullying. Statics on the prevalence will be discussed in the individual clubs and the girls will decide what they can do as a club and as individuals to be H.E.R.O.'s Against Bullying.


1.      Recognizethatbullyingisaseriousissuethathasdamagingeffectsforoursociety


2.      RecognizethatbullyingisNOTanacceptablepartofhowweshouldtreateachother


3.      Helppeoplerecognizethatbullyingbehaviorshavedifferentforms


4.      Raiseawarenessthatbullyinghappens


5.      RaiseawarenessthatbullyingisNOTacceptablein oursociety


6.      Recognizethatbullyingisabehaviorandthatbehaviorscanchange


7.      Recognizethetremendousleadershippotentialofouryouth


8.      Celebrate/recognizethosewhoaremakingadifferenceinaddressingbullying


5 Suggestions for Projects For Juniorette H.E.R.O.'S


1.    Juniorettes participate in a "No name-calling" week, when they pay close attention to the names that they use to describe and call other people. They keep a log of the negative as well as positive names, and then discuss how name-calling makes people feel at the next meeting.

2.  Juniorettes could participate in International Stand Up to Bullying Day, held in March of each year.  By wearing the pink pledge shirts and by signing the "No Bullying" pledge, they would be taking a stand against bullying.


3.   The Juniorettes will have a speaker come to one of their meetings to talk to them about Cyber Bullying and what they could do if they were a target of an Internet Bully.


4.    Partner with another organization, such as a Brownie Troop or Day Care Center, and put on a skit or prepare a talk which demonstrates the damages which bullying can do to others.


5.  Volunteer at an after-school or Summer Day camp program which is inclusive to all children, regardless of their abilities.  Pay close attention to the children to watch for any possible bullying of the children with disabilities by those non-disabled children and use this as an opportunity to be a H.E.R.O. Against Bullying.








                       Juniorette of the Year Award


                                Candidate Form



This form must be completed by the Juniorette Club’s president, and postmarked on or before

 February 1, 2015 and 2016.


Mail to the State Juniorette Chairman, Debbie Weaver





Candidate’s Name: _____________________________________________________________



Club Name: ___________________________________________________________________



District: ______________________________________________________________________



Sponsoring Junior Club: ________________________________________________________



Juniorette Club President:  ______________________________________________________


Please list below at least three (3) reasons why your club has chosen this young woman as a candidate to receive the Juniorette of the Year Award.


1. ______________________________________________________________________________



2. ______________________________________________________________________________



3. ______________________________________________________________________________



4. ______________________________________________________________________________



5. ______________________________________________________________________________


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Was Was this candidate chosen by a club vote?                  Yes ____                               No ____      



__________________________________                           ____________________________________


Juniorette Club President Signature                                             Juniorette Advisor Signature                        


Copy this form as needed. Retain original in this directory