(REVISED - APRIL 15, 1994; Amended April 27, 2001, April 25, 2003, April 23, 2004, April 23, 2010, April 15, 2011)






This organization shall be called "Pioneer Workers of the GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women's Clubs".





The object of this organization shall be the promotion of a closer union of members of the GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women's Clubs, the sponsorship of a Blue Book of Distinguished Ohio Women and the periodic presentation of a plaque to an outstanding member of the GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women's Clubs.





Section l. There shall be two (2) classifications of membership:


            a) Active Members.


            b) Honorary Members.


Section 2.  Active Members:


a) Active members shall be those members of GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women's Clubs who have served a full two-year term on the state level in one of the following positions:


            1) Officer or member of the Board of Directors


            2) Chairman of a Community Service Program (formerly department/division chairman)


            3) Chairman of a standing committee


            4) Member of THE BUCKEYE staff


            5) Trustee of a scholarship fund


            6) Trustee of MemorialForest


b) Qualified members shall be notified of their eligibility by the membership chairman.


c) Once accepted, even though she may no longer be a member of GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women's Clubs, she shall not be dropped from membership in this organization unless she has not paid dues for two (2) consecutive administrations.


Section 3.  Honorary Members:


Honorary members shall be those members who are Past Presidents of GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women's Clubs.





Section 1. Biennial dues:


a) Biennial dues for an active member shall be three dollars ($3.00), payable at the beginning of each two-year administration.


b) There shall be no dues for honorary members.


Section 2. The treasurer shall notify a member whose dues are one year in arrears.  If dues are not paid for two (2) administrations, a member shall be dropped from membership.


Section 3. Any member desiring to resign shall submit her resignation in writing to the secretary who shall present it to the executive committee. 





Section 1. The officers shall be a president, a vice president, and a secretary-treasurer, all of whom shall be elected biennially by ballot in the same year (even numbered years) that the officers of GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women's Clubs are elected.  They shall serve for two (2) years or until their successors are elected.  If there is but one nominee for each office, the election may be by voice.


Section 2. At the annual meeting in the year preceding the election of officers (odd numbered years), a nominating committee of three (3) members shall be nominated from the floor and elected by voice.  The committee shall present a slate of nominees for office at the next annual meeting.  The president of the Pioneer Workers shall appoint the chairman of the Nominating Committee from among those elected to serve on the committee.



Section 3. No officer shall serve more than one term consecutively in the same office.





Section 1. An annual meeting shall be held each year preceding or during the GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women's Clubs annual convention, at which time annual reports of officers and committees shall be given and any awards that are appropriate shall be presented.





Section 1. The officers of THE PIONEER WORKERS shall constitute the executive committee.  This committee shall:


            a) Approve names of qualified members eligible for membership in THE PIONEER WORKERS.


            b) Administer the Blue Book Fund with the help of the Blue Book Chairman.


            c) Decide if a GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women's Clubs member shall be honored at the annual meeting and, if so, select the honoree.


            d) Serve as a hospitality committee at the annual meeting.


            e) Fill vacancies in office. 


            f) The Treasurer shall collect all monies belonging to the organization, deposit them in a Federally Insured bank approved by the Executive committee and pay only such bills as are accompanied by a voucher signed by the President.  In the event the Treasurer is unable to disperse monies, the President is authorized to do so.”





Section 1. The president shall appoint a Blue Book chairman and any other chairmen or committees that the Executive Committee may deem necessary.


Section 2. The Blue Book chairman shall serve a four-year (4) term.  She shall administer the Blue Book of Distinguished Women for the purpose of honoring those women in Ohio who, by their accomplishments, character and influence for good, have earned the recognition to have their names entered in The Book.


a) Names may be submitted by individuals or clubs and shall be accompanied by a contribution of ten dollars ($10.00) for each name.


b) Monies contributed shall be known as "The Blue Book Fund."  At the end of each administration, any surplus funds in excess of $200.00 may be contributed to the Endowment Fund of the GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women’s Clubs.  “The Blue Book Fund” shall be administered by the Executive Committee and the Blue Book chairman.


Section 3. The vice president shall serve as membership chairman.  She shall advise the Executive Committee of the members of GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women's Clubs who are eligible to join THE PIONEER WORKERS.


She shall invite those eligible to attend the next annual meeting.


Section 4. The Executive Committee shall plan and implement all details of the annual meeting and shall act as hostesses at the meeting.





The current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall be the parliamentary authority of this organization when not in conflict with the bylaws or any special rules of order adopted by this organization.





These bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting of the organization by a two-thirds vote, provided that the amendment has been mailed to each member with the notice of the annual meeting.


Revision Bylaws Committee-April 15, 1994 - Mary A. Davis, Chr.,


Helen Jauert, Martha Poling, and Grace Smith       


Amended, April 2001, April 2003, April 2004, April 2010, and April 2011.