GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women's Clubs

Standing Rules





A.  All members of GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women's Clubs shall abide by the Standing Rules as approved by the Board of Directors. (Revised 7/19/2008, 7/26/2009).




B.  A theme adopted by any administration, Community Service Program, committee, program and/or contest shall be non-sectarian and non-partisan in content, phrasing and symbol (Adopted 1/12/1997; Revised 7/8/2001, 7/19/2008).




C.  The GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women's Clubs mailing list is for the use of GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women's Clubs only.  It is not available to any other organization.




The President may grant requests from officers, committee chairmen, district officers, trustees, or editors for a copy of the GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women's Clubs mailing list, or part of the mailing list such as the district member listing, either as hard copy or on a disk.  Requests shall be in writing to the President.  The use of the list shall be for those projects, programs, publications which are part of the GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women's Clubs and shall be specified in the request.  The mailing list chairman shall provide the list within two weeks of receiving the signed approval of the request by the president.  Expenses associated with providing the list shall be reimbursed to the mailing list chairman by GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women's Clubs




For preservation (safety and security) of the mailing list, the mailing list chairman shall send the list to the President, the editor ofThe Buckeye Magazine and the editor of the Directory as soon as the labels are run for each issue of The Buckeye Magazine. This would ensure that the most current list is saved and would provide safety for the list in case something happens to equipment or personnel. (Revised 7/12/2000, 7/26/2009).




D.  Resolutions remain in effect until rescinded by the delegate body.  All resolutions which have been in effect for four (4) years shall be automatically reviewed by the Resolutions Committee for timeliness, change of opinion, etc.  Those whose purpose has been accomplished shall be referred to the Annual Meeting (Convention) to be rescinded.




E.  The GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women’s Clubs President shall serve as the Statutory Agent for the organization.




F.  Administration clubs are comprised of the members of the Board of Directors of any one (1) administration.




G.  State and District officers and chairmen who are invited by a club to perform a service shall have their expenses paid.  (Mileage at 25 cents per mile).  (Revised 4/27/1998, 6/30/2002, 7/10/2004, 5/20/2006).




H.  All mileage expenses shall be substantiated in writing, and all other expenses shall be substantiated by original receipts or a good quality photocopy, signed and dated.  An official voucher shall be used to submit all expenses for reimbursement. (Revised 7/16/2005, 7/09/2006).




I.  Checks for registration fees for all statewide meetings shall be made payable to GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women’s Clubs.




J.  Expenses shall be submitted in the fiscal year (June 1 – May 31) in which they are incurred, except for phone charges incurred in May.  Phone bills for May shall be submitted postmarked by June 30th.  (Adopted 4/27/1997; Revised 4/27/1998, 1/13/2002, 7/09/2006)




K.  The members of the GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women’s Clubs Board of Directors, Assistant Director of Junior Clubs, State Junior Board of Directors, Trustees and State Chairmen, shall maintain in their homes, all materials concerning the operation of their respective offices during the administration of the office.  At the end of their term, each person shall deliver to her successor, within thirty (30) days, ALL records, papers and other properties which belong to the position.  (Adopted 6/28/1997; Revised 4/27/1998, 7/16/2005, 7/26/2009).




L.  Suggestions and/or proposed changes to the Constitution, Bylaws or Resolutions are to be submitted, postmarked by November 15th, to the appropriate committee.  (Adopted 1/13/2002; Reworded 7/16/2005; Revised 7/9/2006).




M.  All letters of recommendation for nominees are to be submitted to the temporary chairman of the State Nominating Committee, postmarked by November 15th in the odd numbered years.  Refer to Bylaw Article X Section Nominations and Elections for letter details.  (Adopted 1/13/2002; Revised 1/7/2006, 7/9/2006).







A.  All appointments shall be made from per capita clubs or Direct Members.  (Adopted 1/14/07; Revised 7/26/2009).




B.  GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women’s Clubs Committee Chairmen may receive a maximum reimbursement of $25.00 per fiscal year for postage, phone calls and copies.  (Revised 1/13/2001, 7/16/2005, 7/9/2006, 1/14/07,  7/26/2009).




C.  GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women’s Clubs Division Chairmen may receive a maximum reimbursement of $25.00 per fiscal year for postage, phone calls and copies.  (Revised 7/16/2005, 7/9/2006, 1/14/07, 7/19/08, 7/26/2009).




D.  Committee Chairmen and Division Chairmen should consider sharing expense reimbursement with their committee members. (Revised 7/19/2008).




E.  The Temporary Chairman of the State Nominating Committee shall receive a maximum reimbursement of $50.00 for postage, phone calls and copies.  The approval of the GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women’s Club President must first be obtained for reimbursement of any necessary expenses above this amount.




In the event of the resignation of a nominee, the Chairman of the State Nominating Committee may receive an additional $20.00 for copies, postage and phone calls in order to secure a new nominee.  The approval of the GFWC/OFWC President must first be obtained for reimbursement of any necessary expenses above this amount.




Scholarship Chairmen:  The Annette Phelps Lincoln Chairman shall receive a maximum reimbursement per fiscal year of $30.00 and the Chairman for all other scholarships will receive a maximum reimbursement per fiscal year of $100.00 for postage, phone calls and copies. The approval of the GFWC/OFWC President must first be obtained for reimbursement of any necessary expenses above this amount. (Adopted 1/14/2007).




F.  Funds for an Annual Meeting (Convention) workshop, not to exceed $30.00 per workshop, shall be considered as Annual Meeting (Convention) expense, not as part of the Committee or Division Chairman’s budget.  (Revised 7/2/2000, 7/16/2005, 7/19/2008.).




G.  A total of $30.00 for fees or gifts for Arts Division judges shall be considered Annual Meeting (Convention) expense.  (Revised 7/16/2005, 7/19/2008.).




H.  Funds donated to Loyal Jonquils/the Operating Fund are used for expenses of the GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women’s Clubs.




I.  Only the interest from the money invested in the Endowment Fund is used for expenses of the GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women’s Clubs.




J.  Those who are required to report to the Board of Directors for a specific purpose (such as State Nominating Committee, Bylaws, Resolutions and Redistricting) shall be reimbursed at 25 cents per mile charged to the GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women’s Clubs Board meetings.  (Adopted 1/9/2000; 6/30/2002, 7/10/2004, 7/16/2005, 5/20/2006).




K.  The GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women’s Clubs shall have a balanced budget (Adopted 1/9/2000).




L.  The GFWC LEADS Seminar participant shall be reimbursed one-half of the room cost for two (2) nights (based on double occupancy).  (Adopted 1/14/2007).




M. Only per capita members of the GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women's Clubs may make announcements, distribute flyers, sell tickets, etc. at district and state meetings.  All announcements, flyers, advertisements, ticket sales, etc. relating to upcoming per capita club events shall be subject to review by the officer in charge of any GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women's Clubs sponsored district or state meetings prior to the meeting. (Adopted 7/19/2008; Revised 7/26/2009).







A.  Regardless of the number of individuals holding a district office, the reimbursements for meals, lodging and mileage at required meetings shall be based on one (1) individual per office.  (Adopted 7/10/2004).




B.  If the District President or District Junior Director share duties, i.e. co-presidents or co-directors in a district, agreement as to how the reimbursements are to be divided shall be made prior to their assuming office.  The GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women’s Clubs President and Treasurer shall be notified in writing as to the agreement before any reimbursement occurs.  (Adopted 7/10/2004; Revised 7/26/2009).




C.  Members of the Board of Directors shall receive $6.00 for lunch and $10.00 for dinner when required to be present for the Board of Directors meetings (unless a catered meal is provided which will be paid for by the GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women’s Clubs).  This policy shall be reviewed at the beginning of each administration by the incoming GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women’s Clubs President.  (Revised 7/2/2000, 7/16/2005).




D.  When an overnight stay is required for meetings, all members of the Board of Directors/Junior Board of Directors and Parliamentarian shall have their rooms paid (based on double occupancy).  If a district office is being shared by two or more people, room reimbursement shall be divided among them by mutual consent, the total amount to be not greater than one-half the cost of the room.  Should a member choose to room alone, she shall be responsible for one-half of the cost of the room.  Planned meal functions at the GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women’s Clubs Annual Meeting (Convention) shall be paid at a cost of 50% of the published price.  (Revised 7/16/2005, 1/7/2006, 7/9/2006).




E.  Round-trip mileage will be paid at 25 cents per mile for attendance at Board of Directors/Junior Board of Directors meetings.  The exception to this is that incoming and outgoing members of the Board will receive one-way mileage to Annual Meeting (Convention) in the even numbered years.  (Revised 4/27/1998, 6/30/2002, 7/10/2004, 5/9/2006).




F.  At the Post Annual Meeting (Convention) Board of Directors meeting in the even numbered years, the GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women’s Clubs Board of Directors shall approve a Board member to review and sign the payment vouchers of the GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women’s Clubs President.  (Revised 1/7/2006, 7/9/2006).




G.  The Board of Directors shall elect a member-at-large to the State Nominating Committee at the Post Annual Meeting (Convention) Board of Directors Meeting preceding the biennial election of officers, who shall serve as Temporary Chairman and receive all letters of recommendation.  It shall be her duty to copy the letters and send to the committee members at least two (2) weeks prior to the meeting of the State Nominating Committee, which the GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women’s Clubs President calls, to allow each member time to read the letters.  In the event that the committee member cannot attend the meeting, it is her responsibility to give the letters to her alternate.  (Revised 4/27/1998, 1/14/2007).




H.  Procedure for voting electronically in accordance with Bylaw Article III, Board of Directors, Executive Committee, Section I.




Periodically the necessity may arise between meetings of the GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women’s Clubs Board of Directors to vote on an issue of an emergency nature (i.e., that which cannot wait until the next Board Meeting).




Any Board member who does not have access to necessary equipment for electronic voting shall be contacted by the GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women’s Clubs President as soon as a motion has been made.  The Board member shall be afforded the opportunity for debate and vote.




The GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women’s Clubs President will notify the Board members of the need to vote on a specific question/issue.  At that time, she shall request for a motion with a second to be made to bring the item to the table.  Members shall have a specific time frame to cast their votes once the question is put.  The GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women’s Clubs President shall determine and publish this time frame.  The Parliamentarian may serve as Teller as she does not have a vote.




The Parliamentarian/Teller receives and tabulates the votes and makes a Teller’s report to the GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women’s Clubs President, who then shall announce the results of the vote.


The Teller may audit the vote and verify through communication with any member who did not vote or register an abstention. The Teller shall produce a list of who voted and abstained and submit it to the GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women’s Clubs Secretary who shall document such information and circulate same at the next regular or special meeting of the GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women’s Clubs Board of Directors.  (Adopted 1/14/2007).







A.  Each District President may receive a maximum reimbursement of $100 per fiscal year for office/district expenses.  (Revised 7/10/2004, 7/26/2009).




B.  The registration fee for District Fall Conference and for Legislation Day shall be $2.00.  One dollar shall remain with the hostess club.  The remainder shall be sent to the District President.  (Revised 7/9/2001, 6/30/2002, 7/16/2005).




C.  Summer District Federation Information Day is self-supporting.  (Revised 1/9/2000).




D. Those clubs and federations whose dues are not paid by November 10th shall be contacted by the District President.  (Revised 7/9/2006).




E.  The District President shall distribute awards and certificates at District Federation Information Day or Fall Conference for those not in attendance at Annual Meeting (Convention) (for recognition and to save postage).  (Revised 4/27/1998).







A.  President


a)  All hotel bills are to be scrutinized for accuracy by the President and Second Vice President prior to payment.




B.  First Vice President


a)  Monies for District and State contests are charged to Miscellaneous Expenses.  District student winners are given $15.00 each.  State student winners are given a $75.00 savings bond each.  (Revised 1/9/2000, 6/30/2002, 1/12/2003).


b)  She shall ensure that qualified judges for contests judged at Annual Meeting (Convention) are obtained by the appropriate chairmen.  (Adopted 6/30/2002; Revised 1/12/2003, 7/16/2005, 7/9/2006).




C.  Second Vice President


a)  All expenses are charged to Annual Meeting (Convention).




D.  Secretary


a)  The minutes of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee meetings shall be sent to the respective members within six (6) weeks following the meetings.  (Revised 7/9/2006).




E.  Treasurer


a)  She shall notify the District Presidents by November 25th of the clubs and federations in their districts whose dues are not paid, postmarked by November 10th.  (Revised 7/9/2006).


b)  The outgoing Treasurer shall attend the Summer Board of Directors meeting and give a Final Report.


c)  The outgoing Treasurer shall be responsible for closing the books for audit.


d)  The outgoing Treasurer shall arrange for the transfer of monies in the accounts to the incoming Treasurer by the Summer Board of Directors Meeting.  (Revised 7/9/2006).


e)  The outgoing Treasurer shall be responsible for obtaining an auditor to perform an audit of the books.  (Adopted 1/9/2000; Revised 7/9/2006: Revised 4/17/2011).




F.  Office expense is reimbursed for the Executive Committee.  This includes postage, copies and phone calls (within reasonable limits).




G.  The outgoing GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women’s Clubs President and Director of Junior Clubs shall each send an administration summary and a picture to the GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women’s Clubs Secretary within sixty (60) days of the close of her administration for use in future histories. (Revised 4/17/2011).




H.  The Assistant Director of Junior Clubs shall be invited to attend the Winter Board of Directors Meeting in the second year of the administration, as Director of Junior Clubs-Elect, and her expenses be paid as stated under the Standing Rules of the Board of Directors/Junior Board of Directors.  (Revised 7/2/2000).




I.  Mileage (at 25 cents per mile), rooms and meals shall be paid for the President, President-elect, First Vice President, Director of Junior Clubs and Director-Elect of Junior Clubs or their designated alternates for the Fall Conference Tour.  If the Second Vice President and/or the Assistant Annual Meeting (Convention) Chairman attend the Fall Conference of the GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women’s Clubs Annual Meeting (Convention) hostess district, their expenses are to be charged to the Annual Meeting (Convention).  (Revised 4/27/1998, 6/30/2002, 7/10/2004, 7/16/2005, 5/20/2006, 7/26/2009).






A.  Only rooms of the members of the GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women’s Clubs Executive Committee, Board of Directors/Junior Board of Directors, Parliamentarian and GFWC guest(s) shall be on the GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women’s Clubs hotel bill for Annual Meeting (Convention).  (Revised 4/27/1998, 7/16/2005).




B.  The cost of Annual Meeting (Convention) meals shall be 50% of the published price for the Board of Directors/Junior Board of Directors and the Parliamentarian.  (Revised 7/16/2005).




C.  The Annual Meeting (Convention) Chairman Assistant, if appointed, shall receive the same consideration as the Board of Directors/Junior Board of Directors and Parliamentarian as it relates to hotel and meal costs.  (Revised 7/17/2005).




D.  The members of the Board of Directors/Junior Board of Directors, Parliamentarian and Annual Meeting (Convention) Chairman Assistant shall pay their own registration fee for Annual Meeting (Convention).  (Revised 7/17/2005).




E.  The Junior Banquet will be complimentary for past GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women’s Clubs Directors of Junior Clubs and the Saturday Banquet will be complimentary for past GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women’s Clubs Presidents.




F. The Juniorette Annual Meeting (Convention) registration fee may be reduced at the discretion of the President and Annual Meeting (Convention) Chairman.  (Adopted 4/17/2011).




G.  The Annual Meeting (Convention) minutes shall be read and approved by the GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women’s Clubs Executive Committee.




H.  The number of votes received by candidates in elections shall not be read aloud.




I.  The total expense of $30.00 for the Arts Community Service Program judges and the income and expense for the Community Improvement Program Award shall be included in Annual Meeting (Convention) expenses.  Also, all mailings of GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women’s Clubs materials to GFWC for contests, etc., shall be considered an Annual Meeting (Convention) expense.  (Revised 1/9/2000, 7/17/2005, 7/7/2010).




J.  Each division, committee contest shall be responsible for administering exhibits, contests, including Exhibit Room aides and awards for their own contest and/or exhibit.  (Revised 6/30/2002, 7/19/2008.).




K.  The Annual Meeting (Convention) hostess district clubs shall pay 50 cents per member to the District Treasurer for district Annual Meeting (Convention) expenses.  City/County Federations in the district shall pay $1.00 per club.  Any remaining funds after the Annual Meeting (Convention) shall be sent to the GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women’s Clubs Treasurer to be designated for future Annual Meeting (Convention) expenses.  (Adopted 1/9/2000, 6/30/2002).




L.  The GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women’s Clubs President, with consultation with the district officers of the hostess district, shall select a general district chairman for the next Annual Meeting (Convention) by the Summer Board Meeting. (Adopted 7/17/2005).




M.  Those planning a meeting or Annual Meeting (Convention) for GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women’s Clubs shall avoid scheduling these activities on major religious holidays.  (Adopted 7/17/2005).







A.  The GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women’s Clubs official representative to the GFWC Convention in the even numbered years shall be the outgoing President and the outgoing Director of Junior Clubs.  They may stay through the adjournment of the Convention.




B.  At the GFWC Convention in the even numbered years, the incoming President and incoming Director of Junior Clubs shall receive transportation, registration, meals and ½ room (based on double occupancy) expenses from the day of installation through the Post-Convention Board Meeting.  (Revised 6/30/2002, 7/26/2009).




C.  For GFWC meetings, transportation not reimbursed by GFWC, registration, meals and ½ room (based on double occupancy) expenses will be paid for the GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women’s Clubs President and Director of Junior Clubs when they are required to be present.




D.  The President-Elect and the Director of Junior Clubs-Elect will receive reimbursement by OFWC of all expenses for transportation, registration, meals and ½ room (based on double occupancy) for attendance at one GFWC planning/orientation meeting.  (Revised 6/30/2002).




E.  For Great Lakes Region meetings, travel (at the least expensive rate of travel), registration, meals and ½ room (based on double occupancy) expenses will be paid for the GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women’s Clubs President and Director of Junior Clubs.  For Great Lakes Region meetings, registration, ½ travel cost, ½ room for one night’s stay (based on double occupancy) and one day’s meals will be paid for the GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women's Clubs First Vice President/President-Elect and the Assistant Director of Junior Clubs/Director of Junior Clubs-Elect, when their presence is required. (Revised 6/30/2002, 7/20/2008, 7/26/2009).




F.  Portage of Federation materials is considered part of transportation expense for the GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women’s Clubs President and Director of Junior Clubs.




G.  GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women’s Clubs does not reimburse tips and/or optional activities.  (Revised 6/30/2002).




(Section revised 1-9-2000)









A.  Substantiated transportation expenses for Trustees shall be reimbursed at 25 cents per mile (in accordance with the Bylaws).  (Revised 4/27/1998, 6/30/2002, 7/10/2004, 5/20/2006).




B.  All plans for purchases or expenditures are to be authorized by the Board of Directors prior to purchase or expenditure. (Bylaws, Article 9, Section 5). (Revised 7/26/2009)




C.  Minutes of the Board of Trustees meetings shall be sent to the GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women’s Clubs Executive Committee within six weeks following the meeting. (Revised 7/8/2001).









A.  Only the interest from the Certificates of Deposit for the scholarships is to be used for their scholarships.  The scholarships are GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women’s Clubs Art Scholarship; Elaine Weinman Memorial Scholarship; Ethel G. Swanbeck Allied Health Scholarship; GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women’s Clubs Clubwoman Scholarship and the Annette Phelps Lincoln Scholarship.  (Revised 4/27/1998, 1/13/2002).




B. The Scholarship Trustees shall be elected in the following order: LED, NED and SWD in the even years beginning in 2012; NWD and SED in the odd numbered years beginning in 2011. (1/16/2011).




C.  The Treasurer shall notify the Trustees by March 15th as to the funds available prior to the awarding of scholarships.  (Revised 6/30/2002).




D.  As many scholarships as possible should be awarded.  Any balance not awarded or any money returned shall be put into the principal of the fund.  (Revised 1/12/2003).




E.  The Chairman shall give a complete list of scholarship recipients with name, address, phone number, sponsoring club, district and school they will be attending to the GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women’s Clubs Treasurer and the GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women’s Clubs Secretary at the Annual Meeting (Convention) when the scholarships are given.  (Revised 4/27/1998, 7/9/2006).




The recipient shall provide a copy of the bursar’s statement to the Treasurer before the check may be written.  (Adopted 7/9/2006).




F.  Substantiated expenses for Scholarship Trustees, including transportation expenses at 25 cents per mile for attendance at one meeting per year and office expenses, shall be reimbursed through the Chairman and paid out of the General Fund.  (Revised 4/27/1998, 1/13/2001, 6/30/2002, 7/10/2004, 5/20/2006).


(Section revised 1/9/2000)








A.  All purchases or expenditures are to be approved by the Board of Directors prior to purchases or expenditures.  All bills will be paid by the GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women’s Clubs Treasurer. (Revised 7/26/2009)




B.  A detailed report of income and expenses shall be sent by the GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women’s Clubs Fund-Raising Chairman to the GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women’s Clubs Treasurer.  This report by the State Fund-Raising Chairman shall include the cost and income from each fund-raising item.  (Revised 6/30/2002).




C.  District Fund Raising Chairmen shall keep records of inventory and of all transactions.  A copy of their reports shall be sent to the GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women’s Clubs Fund-Raising Chairman following each district event along with the funds received.




D.  The administration pins, which have to be ordered by the president-elect and must be ordered in advance by the president-elect to have after installation at Annual Meeting (Convention), shall be paid for by the GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women’s Clubs Treasurer.  (Revised 7/17/2005, 7/26/2009).




















Adopted by the 1996-1998 Board of Directors July 27, 1996


Reviewed and revised by the 1998-2000 Board of Directors, April 27, 1998


Reviewed and revised by the 1998-2000 Board of Directors, January 17, 1999


Reviewed and revised by the 1998-2000 Board of Directors, January 9, 2000


Reviewed and revised by the 2000-2002 Board of Directors, July 2, 2000


Reviewed and revised by the 2000-2002 Board of Directors January 13, 2001


Reviewed and revised by the 2000-2002 Board of Directors, July 8, 2001


Reviewed and revised by the 2000-2002 Board of Directors, January 13, 2002


Reviewed and revised by the 2002-2004 Board of Directors, April, 2002


Reviewed and revised by the 2002-2004 Board of Directors, June 30, 2002


Reviewed and revised by the 2002-2004 Board of Directors, January 12, 2003


Reviewed and revised by the 2004-2006 Board of Directors, July 10, 2004


Reviewed and revised by the 2004-2006 Board of Directors, July 16, 17, 2005


Reviewed and revised by the 2004-2006 Board of Directors, January 7, 2006


Reviewed and revised by the 2006-2008 Board of Directors, May 20, 2006


Reviewed and revised by the 2006-2008 Board of Directors, July 9, 2006


Reviewed and revised by the 2006-2008 Board of Directors, January 14, 2007


Reviewed and revised by the 2008-2010 Board of Directors, July 19, 2008


Reviewed and revised by the 2008-2010 Board of Directors, July 26, 2009


Reviewed and revised by the 2010-2012 Board of Directors, January 16, 2011


Reviewed and revised by the 2010-2012 Board of Directors, April 17, 2011