~Meet the children~
We keep getting ask the same question of when are you girls going to have kids. We've talked this over and decided we are not going to have any. We have filled our house of all kinds of pets and beasties.(Seems like too many at times!) I hope to get some pictures of them on here, but for now I will just tell you a little about each one. These are our chilren whom we've come to appreciate and love very much.
The oldest member of our family is Gia. She is an eight year old female dog that was given to me from a girl who had to many seven years ago. She was named Zena when I firt got her. I changed her name because at the time the movie "Gia" was my favorite one to watch every night before I went to bed. She is half Rott and half German Shepard. She's a very loving dog but can be quite pushy at times. (Just ask Mel lol) She's been all over the states with me/us and is a very good watch dog. I never have to worry about our safety with her around.
About two years ago Gia had a litter of seven pups. We had just lost Mel's dog a year prier to that so we had rescued a dog we read about in the paper. We named him Bosco. He was 100% mut, and boy did it show! Aside from getting Gia pregnant, he trashed our house over and over again. Once we could, we found a different home for him. However, here we were with seven of his puppies. Wel, it wouldn't be Gia if things weren't complicated. She was having very large puppies and was about for days over due. So..we had to take her to the vet who had to remove them. I also had her fixed! The puppies were so cute, so big, and very healthly. Mel picked out the biggest and I have to say at the time one of the ugliest ones. She was all black with a pink face. She looked like a little pig. lol We named her Winnie. She is now going on two and turned out to be beautiful. Her pink face turned white and black with tan spots. She's a mixed dog, but the best way to decribe her is too think of a Husky. She has outgrown her mother and stands a good three inches taller. She very playful, although you have to watch because she can easily knock you down! She's very protective as well and she just adores Mel.
The next pet we came across would be our pet turtle. We named her Otis at the time because we thought it was a boy, but after some reading we've come to find it was a girl. The name has always stuck. *shrugs* I was walking around my yard one day when I noticed Gia pushing something around the yard with her nose. Apon closer investacation I realized it was a painted turtle. She was so scared she was all the way in her shell. lol I quickly pulled her Gia and took her inside. My mom lived with me at the time and helped me make a new home for her. At the time all I had was a ten gallon tank. Mom was also the one who pulled all the leaches off her legs, neck and arms. I couldn't. Mom said she would have died had we not found her with the amount of leaches she had on her. So now it is a year later and she sits in my livingroom in a twenty long basking and eating to her hearts content. She's very spoiled since she refuses to eat regular turtle food. Her diet is mostly Rosey's,(small feeder fish) tuna, and shrimp. She has grown quite a bit since we found her. She's very tame now. She no longer retracts in her shell when we picked her up and has been known to run freely throughout the house! She's become very enjoyable to watch as she spends most of her days lofing about her tank
The next animal we rescued is our cat named Alley. I was over at my moms at about 5in the morning New Years Eve day when we heard a cat crying outside. It was freezing outside so when I opened the door she ran right in. She was so thankful she wouldn't stop trilling. lol She's a calico. White, tan and a little black. Her coloring kinda reminded me of Winnie. She looked and acted like she had been inside before. We asked the neighbors if anyone knew whos cat it was. When everyone said no we realized someone had just dumped her off. hen Mel got back from work I asked if we could keep her. We went to the store and bought everything she needed that day. We don't think she was more then a year old. So we think she's going to be two this year. We just got her fixed a couple of weeks ago which was a blessing, seeing as she went into heat about EVERY two weeks. It was kinda tough becasue she pulled all but three of her stiches out the next day. (I tell ya, we always get the ones with additude.) All is mended and she is back to be a normal cat. She runs through the house jumping and knocking things over. lol Her and Winnie have become best friends, running and chasing each other thoughout the house.
the easiest animals we have to take care of everyday is my Koi. We have a twenty high, with three fantails, (two calio ) three Koi, and a feeder fish saved from Otis. lol They have grown quite large and will be needing a bigger tank here soon. My faviorte one is my orange and white fantail. Mel always calls him 3D cause he cost thirty dollars. lol I didn't care, when I saw him I just had to have him. He is quite beautiful! I enjoy watching them from my chair.
Now for the latest and last member of our family! Sierria, is what we call her. (yes, another girl, I swear we don't do it on purpose) She is a Bearded Dragon. We bought her off a friend of ours. She lives in a thrity gallon tank for now in our bedroom. Mel has really taken a liking to her and so it has become her faviorte pet. Shes about as long as your hand and a little past your wrist. She gold and orange mostly. We are still working out what works best for her. Buying books and surfing the web for information. She's quite tame and enjoys being held. Mel feeds her crickets (ewww) and trys to get her to eat veg, but she will not. We've set up a nice home for her. Plants, sand, a hammack under her heat lamp and rocks so her nails will stay short. She seems to enjoy her new home and we love having her.
Well, there you have it! Now you still want to know if we plan to have kids? lmao We have a house full and spare no expense when it comes to our "kids."
I think they are better for it, but you don't have to take my word for it. Your more then welcome to ask them !