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HeyDie Ho Mah peePz! U JuSt EnTa'd Da PAge I CouLdNT ThinK Of A NamE For! SO U pik It! ThiS Is Da Page Where I ShoVed Pix In Of MaH LiKinG SO FeeL FwEE TO TaKE wAt U wANt~

The SonG ThAt iS currently being heard through your speakers Is: "Satisfy You" Puff DaDDy & R.Kelly


Aite Sory Backstreet Fans i dun wana stick too much of them here SO Sorry!

BUT for all you CoCo Fans Keep Scrolling!


Thats all i have of CoCo at the Moment!

Now above is the collage i put together! its of characters out of Final Fantasy. Aint it kWel Ya'll Be Sayin NaH She DiDnt Do Dat WELL I DID!

So there you go!Thats it Please Pick your Next Destination BELOW!
