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~=«[ShOuT OuTz!]»=~

Hey Hey Mah shout out page to all my other special peeps i didnt get to mention in mah other dedication page. The "Friends 'n' Family page" So same shit with this page. If you aint on it and u feel the need that you should be, all you gota do is tell me JUST MSG me and i'll put u on!! So Read On......

MaH SiLLie Real SissiE SaBBiE!!......YOU kICk Ass!~

GoD-SiS--CaRoLyNN, YiRaN, LaUra, R.A.S, JennY { Yup SisterHood, Trust, Love and honesty! ats what gona get us thru}

GoD BrOz-AnThony, Duy, Lawrence, Vincent {THanx guys LuV yah Heeps For Bein the bestest in da WORLD!}

DaNieLa, PeTer, Steve: Hey hey...The bestest pals in da whole wide world! peter and daniela you guys are the cutest and hottest couple ever! Steve man u the next lil sienfield. I swear u guys are the funniest peeps anyone could ever be friends with. Luvs ya heeps!

Sc0TT & IvaN- Hehe Keep tha fan club growin for The Fish Bitch Sessions! GOod luck in your HSC this year maties! Kick ass i know u will! Yeh and when you go to Uni please dun forget us! So keep intouch and best wishes for da future!!

MaiS & LeaH--We can keep stickin pads on Jacks stuff eheheh! Yeh we slack but hay who gives a fuck! Leah u gota stop havin those parties, b4 everyone starts screwing eachother! So how many names do we have {Flea, Fly, Magot, CUPCAKES, tree, butterfly} man i cant remember shit we used to bitch so much bout them! anyway REMEMBER our plans for like in 10 years wid da reunion eheheh!!

Jack--Aite THink i gota stop being mean to you! man Its slack! Like we nearly in every class together but HAY sorry now u off to science one wid Mais! Well u just do what u do! Keep dissin everyone wid us hehe we Draged you away from the skeeggy PeepS !!! And yeh i think u'd be sick of listening to mah probz every history lesson huh? But u beg me to tell you man! FORMAL PLANS!!????? hahaah remember? Nah koz there aint none!

JoVaN a.k.a Joni!--Mate sory i just gota tell the world that YOU are the HOTTEST looking guy in the WHOLE WORLD and that u are so much CUTER THAN ME!!!! Ah well Like at Naughty by Nature i looked up and was like "ooH HOT Guy" But then I took a better Look at ya and went Ah man Its JoNNi! DaYnG man this guy TOO FINE!! DUN GET A BIG HEAD!

NaWeL a.k.a NAWELLIE--This one She's like a sista to me man. Teaches me how to speak LEbo!! GAL u gota stop makin zarta for the guys man hehe! Keep singing those BsB songs wid me gal Im realy gonna miss yah next year! Man you were always der for me all highschool. Since year 7 man fark!! even when we done japanese wid dat real gay teacher take care and all!

Mark a.k.a PaTo a.k.a PoRn StaR--Hey I know u aint never gona get this koz U dun have the net But Hey I'll Message your Type Writer. Well u been a pretty good buddy and all. In year 8 man we were slack as man with the "i hate pato" days u know awwhh so slack! Well Yeh IT WAS JACK that said "who cares lets just go forget bout pato!" KOz i kept sayin like "wat bout pato!"

HaNa--Hey Girl we been friends since kindigarten in mrs Lappins class! And now i've like known you the longest!! Wid tha others like slavko and cute lil parksies! Lil mixups in year 7 wid da bitch that has now left! i aint gona say her name but we'll prolly remember who it is PARANA? well neway i still luff ya BTW sweeties quit it wid the"ok u aint all dat and a bag o' chips!"

TriSh-&-JeNn--Mah filo n InDo sistaz!= ) livin ova seas. Mates u gota come back Trish i hopes yeh havin fun in Filo Dayng gal u got all da guys linin up on cho doorstep!ehhe memba if der ne hot guys you know where to send em! JEnN Luved your RaS rap to the AzN pride! KeeP rappiN...Miss you guys heeps Keep Safe and dun forget to pray!

NaDer--Hey WhazzUp Bro??...eheh thanx for bein der for me You are a heeps special guy aite so dun do nething sillie! Why aint u eva on da net nemore!? Thx for da dedication page its real qyyyoooooote! Luvzyah!

DeLu & BBBB a.k.a Daniel & Bryce--Heyhey its DeEEEELOoO And SnaP CrAckLe PoP hehe dayng yahz are kwel frenz! Keep schmiling aite!

EmiLy--Oy Girlie girly! U used to think that i hated you uh!?But nah i dun u a prety groovey chickadee~ And sides you mah god sis's god sis hahahah! U anoda preddie lil malaysian biatch man! Wid a fiesty personality to be proud of!

BLAKEHURST PeePz--HaLo to you too. You guys are what makes our skool so bloody sick ass even though its the biggest shit hole! But u know yr 10 tha melroes place shit gota stop in our year! Dayng da bytchiness gota stop! Keep It funkie! We'll party on aT our FORMAL NOT IN THE CANALS!

ICQ PeePz--And Thanx guys you all are the ones that stop me from doing my work! But hay i guess thats my fault now? hahah yeh atleast when theres nothing to do i can go online and theres bound to be someone to talk to so thats pretty kwel! thanx!
