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«º¤PiCCies [&] LyNkx¤º»

On this page is Pictures of anything Live pictures. So yeah...these are pix of peeps and all that i know personally. SO take a look arounD! There aint much here at the moment but throughout the year i'll fill them in!

This pic was also shown in the dedication page! Fucken hell its too blured we al look warped like the photo below ~Best friends~

Hehe A lil one of me! I kinda warped it ah well i was bout 1 here

L-R: LiL Me, Spunky god bro Duy and mah real sissie SabBie!!

This was taken someday when we Jigged i think. L-Reheh thats me lookin like a dopey piece of shit, ,mah so very spunkie bro Duy...and at the end mah real sistah Sabbie!


Above L-R: Steve, Daniela, Me , Peter

Well here we are at school prolly lunch or something, *sigh* still in the junior area but now we just recently got kicked out of our playground *hmph* ah well now we big kids!! we da seniors! Lookie at em arent they all such lil babies~~


L-R: MaH GoD SiS n BrO FaMily :Me , Anthony, Duy, Caroline, SabbiE

Dayng why do we all look stoned or soming!

DuYz HomEPaGe

Well i guess thats it for NOW dun worry there'll be more some time So yea Next destination below~
