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~!Insultive Poetry!~

Friends like you are hard to find, Friends like you put their lives on the line, Friends like you do this all the time. Friends lend you a shoulder when Tears run down your face, Friends like you lend a hand to put things in place Friends belss everything you say and do Thats why its great to have a friend like YOU~~ *Friendship is not for a day, a week, a month, a year Friendship is forever!!

~!Move On(For Guys Only)!~

When a chick gives you the cold hard dump, no need to turn into a low ass cunt. Just remember what she said , and one day you'll just laugh in her face. Is she really worth thinking about, GO up to her and knock her out. She's already bitching about you, Ingnore it and just do what you do. If you're still thinking about her, Boy grow up you'll never learn. You'll long for her from dusk to dawn, For heavens sake Boy just move ON!~

~!Get Over It( For Girls Only)!~

When you've broken up with someone, Smile and dont be down. Don't let them know you feel as though, You have drowned. Get up and shove it back into their face, Getting knocked down is a big disgrace. Dont worry and dont check a fit, FUCKEN HELL GET OVER IT!~ What do you see in this insensitive guy, Just stab a knife in his heart and watch him DIE What more do you want from this stupid prick What's good if he's without a dick? The question is asked, And we're waiting for an answer Wati patiently and hope he DIES of cancer. Fuck the pathetic arogant bastard!~ Think you're relations ship would have lasted? ~!Boyfriends!~

Boyfriends care and are always there, for you to look at his face and stare. You think about what he has done, To make you feel you're happy as one!! He thinks about you day and night, he can never get to seep when you've had a fight! Suports you when you're desperatly in need, A warm hug cheers you up indeed. How he always makes you laugh~ How he warms your heart and makes you smile. You'll miss him so much when a day goes by, with out seeing him. You'll want to be with him, your love for him will grow within!~


Girlfriends arent ONLY there for a hug and a kiss, they touch your heart, make things feel like bliss. Lights up your day when the sky is grey. One look at her will make your day!!!! The things about her makes her feel, you'll never let any other guy steal, her warm caring heart, and whatever she does, let her know she's the only one you want. When you say the words "I Love YOU" You'll know she feels the same way TOO!~


Whats a bitch that sleeps around? Another word for a whore? a cow?? Wants to get Laid, but never gets Paid? Hey fucking days will never fade! Has been done over a million times, asks for a ride......Then Fucks HiS minD! Lost her Virginity at the age of 13 Got pregnant the day she met Mr 14 Still hanging around...trying to pick up!! And when she does she'll have a FUCK!!!!~~


The type of guy that's a major sleeze, Fucks her then walks off and leaves......... Get's her pregnant, Dumps her there! She deserves it, Like anyone cares!!!~~ Doesn't give a flying FUCK! Just a cheepo guy that fucks for a buck~ Stands there thinking he's all that When really??.......he's just ugly and FAT. Dates a chick, and then another...... Soon enough he's fucked their mother!! Stupid and insensitive GUY Dont we all think that he sould DIE?!~


Love is pure, Love is real, Love is true..When my hearts given to you. The way you make me feel inside, is something that i just cant hide. Whatever you do always makes me smile, Don't ask me why i may feel like a child! Whenever i look deep into your eyes..... you've got me hooked~~ totally hypnotized!!! I feel down when you're not around! Feel sick for your loving Kiss! I just want you to be right here... To hold me close and ever so near!!~~

So there you go!Thats it Please Pick your Next Destination BELOW!

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