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PrEciOuS DediC[a]TioNs To MaH

!LoVed Onez!

ThiS page Will Contain Dedications to people whom i care alot about! Also to close friends and Family! If i have left you out and you feel the need that you should be on this page, feel free to email or msg me with a reason to why you should be on this page. I'll be happy to use your name to fill up more space on this page! =) So Peeps On this page iTs Especially .......

You are currently Listening to "Bottom of my Broken heart" By: Britany Spears

Firstly to my Mummy and my Daddy! Who haf been der fow meh All mah lifez! Kwoz ah luv emz veli much! And mah schweet Big Sis SaBBy!! She be a real funki sistaH. And mah olda sis Melly. Dah Kwelest familie!

This here The picture above was taken in '99'

*mauH* Well to mah bestest pals! Daniela, Steve and Peter! You guys are great friends..we all been there for each other and had sum fun times togetha and all! so Keep schmilin and Stay kwel ya'll Luv yahs heeps too! *hugz*

The 'G'-Sis/Bro Family

First oFF i got a present for you Yiran! OOP I think u already peeped By scrolling down! Daymn well anyway ......................

Hopes yah like it! =) You too young to drive! But I'll just drive around a bit huh!?


Carolynn: You Are one god sis me always gona luv nomatter what, Why? Koz you be the prettiest lil malaysian Biatch me eva met im mah life! keep schmilin gal. Thanx yah heeps for being there for me! Now be good yah hear?~*hugz* *maUH*

YiRan & LauRa: Hehe! I didnt wana seperate you guys! I've known yas for a real short period of time! and well when i first met yas you became mah god sis'z! well thank god for that koz u guys are real sweet and dun even mention cute! hehehe Will luv ya's always too! Yiran hopes yah likes mah pwezzie and Keep Mc'n! Laura u keep stayin hap hap happy wid dat prety face of yous! *hugz* *mauH*

JennY: Well girly i gota admit, we definatly had our good times and bad. But like we say once a god sis always remains a god sis even if we dont show it! But deep down inside we still god sis! rites! well i just gota say whatever happened last year Had changed our friendship heeps and all! But makin it clear to you that its over now so BIGONS! Understandingly things cant go back to the way they used to be but i'll still remain your god sis! n Luv ya! *Hugz* *maUH*

TrisH & JeN!: Hey Chickie Babes! You "ate'z" StiLL LuV yahs. U Guyz Take good cAre of yourselves out there over seas! Hopes yah dun forget about us!. So keep Havin Fun! LiL FiLo n IndO Bizatchz! Luv You Guys HeePz Too! Keep In Touch! *hugz* *mauH*

R.A.S: Hey all you R.A.S Galz! I aint gona leave ya'll out of this. you chix are prety important too so take care. Long time no chat or nuthin but LiVe on Galz! We Kick Ass in Our WaY!

GOd BrO'z

LawRencE: Aw Dis guy I swear! I can Love you like a real brother! DaynG you are like alawys there for me! AH HEM Buffy on Tv? Save Ren from a burning fire building!? Nah i understand! I'd do the same if there was a HOt Guy on Tv! ahhaha well Thankyou SO MUCH for always being there for Meh! And you know i'll do the same for you too! Luv you to bitz, Your lil sis always! *hugz* *MuaH*

Duy: My Original God BrO Along wid Da SchpuNkie AnTO! ( dun woli anto me will get to you) ANyways Tuesdays are DUY days. I'd like to thank you for helpin me out wid da hp Eg making the ''LiL BeYatcH'' Banner for me THANx Heeps looks Great! PLus Stay "kwel bananas'z* wid da *tu fumbz Up*! Luv ya always~~ *hugz* *mauH*

AnThOnY: Hey to you too! Tha Original LiL FaMilIe. U keepz playin your Big 2 hehe soz i'll play wid ya anodah day okie dokes Mr!...well u always been the kwelest bro in da world! We go bum at da ct some time kie? Miss yahz heeps Luv always take care*hugz* *maUH*

LiL BrO JaMes hehe you be a cute lil bro~ mah lil buddie u take care too! Luvzya* Hugz* *muAh*


VinCenT: Aw you always schmiling so happy and all! well havnt spoken to yah in aGes but me willz be yah twin still okie? Hopes u fine as usual! so stay hapie Luvzya *hugz* *mUAh*


To my real couz'z in England, Samantha and David well hope yah all are well! And to mah cuz kevin You bee a kool cuz take care and keep schmilin! *hugz* *maUH*

GooD FrienD'z

ScoTT: Look Nigel Purple we all know what dat means HHaha! well anyway we've had our good convo's till the late on da net! havin our nice lil bitchy sessions! U are da Supa scott dat fly'z thru windows uh and pulls me away from the S-k-a-n-k-Y evil dark side Thanx~ Anyway i wish u the ~!BEST OF LUCK IN YOUR HSC!~ kick ass aite BTw Stop Smokin Its NOt good for ya!! take care Oh Yeh heres your pic below! *hugz* *maUH* =}(curly smile hah)

MaiS & LeaH: We are the Lamo "Commerce Club" MAIS: Dun worry we'll kill the bitch that kicked you out of commerce! She lives near JACK so we'll go chuck shit at ha house! LEAH: well i duno what the hell is wrong with MR kings hair. Dus he still have a bold spot? Ah well. You guys been good frenz take care! *hugz* *muah*

And im afraid thats it! Like I said above if i've left you out, just tell me and i'll add you! So take care luvzya and *muah* [&] *Hugz*
