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Elizabeth Davies
Kim Freeman
Michele Hopkins
Susanna Leitch
Kim Seal
Gavin Smith




Elizabeth Davies
Role in Kent Phab:
Helping to run parent support group for parents of Togle members, General dogs body.
Are you employed here, or a volunteer?
Past work experience:
In the independent and voluntary sector, includes health and education. 
How long have you been at Phab?
1 year
What do you think is the most important part of Phab's work?
Inclusion, Disability awareness and equality learning for all ages, Giving time to those that need the help, Research so that info & advice is always available to those who need it.
Describe yourself in three words:
Favorite food:
Salads and deserts
e.g. Black Peppered Strawberries with Italian Ice Cream
Music, horse riding and horticulture
Pet hates:
People who cause bigolted?? of any section of society
What would be your one wish?
To win the lottery


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