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The Dude.


Welcome, one and all, to my homepage, The Zeke Dimension. Don't get me wrong, you're still at the page formerly known as Ezekiel's Fourth Dimension. I'm still me. As you can see, this site is undergoing another revamp/update session, after all, the last update before this was back in July 1999. Obviously, real life has been stalling my homepage progress. But hey, hope you still enjoy your stay here.

Many people have talked to me before in those late night chat sessions I always have. There's little about me that most of you don't know, but what the heck, if you want to see what you might have missed about yours truly, the somewhat procrastinating creator of this page, click here. I might even add in a photo when I'm in the mood.

The mind is a wonderful thing, and you definitely don't need me to tell you that. Here houses my huge compendium of opinions and thoughts. Ever wondered what goes inside the mind of a not-so-typical Malaysian youth? Follow the link... here. You might not find anything life-changing or motivating enough to spur anything on while some are just plain silly, but I had fun compiling these random thoughts. Meaning, it amused the heck out of me even when I read it.

Right here is a newer section. A collection of many essays I have written in the past which might fill a few minutes of reading each. But let me remind you that these are not SPM model essays! They're way too long-winded, and most of them I wrote to have some fun with even if most of them are homwork assignments.

If you've been here before, you'll notice that I broke up the miscellaneous section and put everything in the main page itself, here. My flagship page there was the Pulp Fiction Tribute Page. Pulp Fiction was, and still is, my favourite ever film. It's so good I'd pay people to teach it in schools. :) In my mini tribute you'll have an introduction to the main characters of the film, the original script, a wallpaper I designed myself, and more.

Also from the miscellaneous page of old is the Quentin Tarantino screenplays/scripts section. Here you'll find full scripts for True Romance, Natural Born Killers and From Dusk Till Dawn to name a few. As an additional treat, movie posters from each film are available in JPG format. You're welcome.

The Smile Pages are still here, you know. I named it after the song Charlie Chaplin composed, in case you're wondering. So far, 3 full pages of hair-splitting hilarious jokes, and when I find the time, I'll work on it some more. No dirty jokes, mind you, just suggestive ones. :)

The 3D Gallery is the newest section to my page. I hope to put out a gallery of some of the coolest 3D images you'll ever see. So far it's still a work in progress. Meaning, still a lot of scouring the net to do. I have a test gallery here with 24 images that you can have a look see at. Tell me what you think about it, okay?

I have a small collection of animated gifs for purposes I'll leave to you to decide. It's public domain, I guess, since I got them all off the net anyway. It's separated into 3 pages for shorter loading time. I won't update this page again, so try to be happy with what I have.

One last thing, although no one has filled in my guestbook since last year (for whatever incomprehensible reason), it's still pretty much there. Not sure if it's alive and kicking, though. If you'd like to add an entry or read what others have said about this page, follow the link at the bottom of the page.

I'll see you around then. Again, please enjoy your time here. Not that I'm complaining any, but I've done a great deal of typing since starting this page. Heck, every hit I get, I do a little celebratory jig around the computer. Heh heh. Stay young, stay invincible and keep smiling. :)

a.k.a. Lau Choon Seng.
Contemplating life.

Comments? Views? Complaints? Compliments? Want to give me a good bashing? Just to say hi?
Just drop me an e-mail. I more than welcome it.

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