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Law 1
Law 3
Law 4
Law 6A
Law 10
Law 13
Law 15
Law 17
Law 18
Law 19
Law 20
Law 21
Law 22


Rugby Canada has established a Safety in Rugby Forum comprised of members of the Rugby community who have an interest in and/or responsibility for safety matters. Its role is to provide practical suggestions, and to undertake initiatives and activities with the goal of making the playing of the Game safer.
The Forum’s first project is to establish a registry of very serious injuries in Canada.
Accordingly, the Forum has created the attached VERY SERIOUS INJURY REPORT form, to facilitate the reporting and investigation of such injuries suffered by Rugby players across Canada currently, and to gather information retroactively.A Very Serious (life threatening or permanent disability) Injury is defined as an injury which causes tetraplegia, paraplegia, transient quadraplegia (spinal cord concussion), disabling strokes, permanent brain injury, eye loss, heart attack or equivalent, ruptured spleen and/or ruptured kidney.

Each completed report will be followed up by John Platts, Chair of the Safety in Rugby Forum.
Links to external websites are included to give you the opportunity to explore the safety issue in more depth. Rugby Canada is not responsible for the content of these Internet sites, nor does it necessarily endorse the views expressed.

RUGBY CANADA - 2197 Riverside Drive - Suite 303 - Ottawa, Ontario - K1H 7X3
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