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You know your a horse lover when...

After it snows, the pathway to the stables is the first thing that gets cleared, then the front porch and sidewalk.

Your horse gets more compliments for grooming than you do.

You pass up attractive social invitations because they'd conflict with your lesson schedule.

You say 'whoa' to stop your bicycle. (or car, truck, dog, etc.)

You look at really nice evening dresses but never buy them, after you realise how many pairs of jodhpurs you could get for the same price.

You'd rather stay up with a friend's sick horse than baby sit for them

You save every horse magazine you have ever bought.

Your non-horsy friend gives you a funny look after glancing into the back seat of your car, and you realize he's noticed your whips and spurs

You see the vet more than you see your doctor.

You use horse shampoo for yourself because you know shampoo for humans is not recommend for horses and you can only afford one or the other.

You find yourself using Natural Horsemanship on your dogs.

You run round the paddock jumping all the jumps even knocking the odd one down.

You find yourself analyzing leg and foot conformation on your friends, and thinking how corrective shoeing could improve their way of going.

You kiss your horse more often than your husband or boyfriend.......... and enjoy it more.

You buy land and decide to build the barn before the house so your horses have a place to stay. Then you move into the barn yourself and forget about the house

You go on a diet .....just for your horse's sake.